Meet the newest member… Deogi.

Posted by Lessa on March 15, 2007 in this-n-that |

Deeogi_4So, remember that puppy we weren’t getting? That I didn’t want? That the pup was totally attached too since she helped at his birth, dropped him on his head and almost killed him, and helped nurse him back to health? Yeah. Well. Meet Deogi.

That’s deeOHgee (soft g, like gigi). Sounds like a Japanese Anime Character name. Stands for D. O. G. Otherwise known as Dropped On Ground. (Thanks TBF. *L*) When the kids were thinking of Names – I said “Lucky.” with a smirk, and they said NO! Because it was “too cliche!” So I said Deogi, and The Boy was like “nah.” and so i said “Fine. Lookit that dog in the eyes and tell me what he says his name is, and that’s what it’ll be.”

The boy did so. And said “Aw MAN! Deogi it is!”

My children are SO BLOND. How blond? Well, they didn’t even think it odd when I had them clean out the dog crate and move it to where it was easily accessible. They totally bought my excuse of moving the gun cabinent like I’d been threatening to do for oh, 5 years now. They didn’t question when Auntie Ladybug told them that Deogi was taken by a family already. Nothing. Ob.Liv.I.Ous.

Deeogi_5So, SO blond, that after he got his first round of shots this afternoon, when Auntie came in and told the pup she brought him by so that she could say GOODBYE because she was delivering him to his new family, The Pup didn’t think twice. Instead, she curled up with him on the couch, and cooed and sniffled and looked completely morose. Then Auntie said she was taking the other puppy she had with her to the car, and she’d be back.

The Boy went “…Nooooo you DIDN’T!” and caught on finally.
The Girl took about five minutes after Auntie was gone, and she realized that she had DRIVEN AWAY to finally go “OOOOH!!!!”
The Pup was STILL OBLIVIOUS. In fact, she didn’t even notice that Auntie had gone, until the phone rang. And It was Auntie, telling her that the puppy was ours.

There was much rejoicing! And jumping up and down! And screaming “HE’S MINE!!”

Then there were standoffs. And claiming of green teddy bears. And cuddling.


Deeogi_2DeeogiDeeogi_3 Deeogi_13


And then? There was Naptime. (and much cuddling of two rather pissed off cats. Heh.)


And that is the story of how Deogi moved in. Damn dog. Harumph.

(For those wondering, Mama is Chocolate Lab/Chessapeke Mix and addy is a Boxer/Lab mix. We think. Heh. Therefore, Deogi=Mutt.)

1 Comment

  • ladybug says:

    :biggrin: He looks so happy…. even more happy is the look on the Pups face. you are an awsome mom. and a SUCKER!!!! :whistle: *inocent look*

    Happy to see the blonds are enjoying themselves with the baby. and ummmm yeah I will stop caling sometime soon. a little bit of the empty nest syndrom going on around here. LOL.

    My kids will want to visit soon. :tongue:

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