
Posted by Lessa on March 22, 2007 in this-n-that |

So. That little shit I gave birth too 15 years ago? Who I worked so hard to get to Europe? STILL HAS NOT CALLED. The girls next DOOR called THEIR mama. But did HE call ME? oh noooooo…. Harumph!

So – Nana asked what they were up to. On wednesday they took a day trip to Toledo, where they sang at Ssan Juan de los Reyes, the most remarkable Gothic church in Spain. On Thursday, it was a travel day, with the awe inspiring and awesome opportunity to sing at the Guggenheim Museum. They had origonally told them no, that no one sang at the Guggenheim, but Hendy is persistant, and they finally allowed it. I cannot WAIT to see pictures! and hopefully, someone on the trip is video taping, cuz dude, it must have been AWESOME.

After that, it was to San Sebastian, on the beach, where they spent the night.

Tomorrow (Friday), they travel to Toulouse, France, where they make the Airbus. with an evening concert at Notre Dame de la Daurade.

You’d think that SOMEWHERE there, there might be oh, a payphone, or something… hm? Ha!

In Deogi news, apparently I was a  BAD MAMA and had the AUDACITY to leave him home alone, sleeping on the couch. I was gone for 15 minutes, and came home to hear him HOWLING at the door in DISPAIR because he couldn’t find me. He then tripped me as I walked inside, waited until I kicked off my shoes under the desk, and proptly fell back asleep – ON MY SHOES. That way, should I have to leave again, I’d have to wake him up. Heh.

Then,he moved to actively sleeping on my foot, under the desk, next to Lola. Too cute! See?


Then I had the nerve to disagree with someone about something and they got all offended. And said I attacked them. And now I’m all pissed off. Because I’ve also been without an internet connection for 3 hours. So yeah. back to work for me. Heaven FORBID I have my own fuckin ideas on shit, huh? Dunno what I was thinking.

1 Comment

  • nana says:

    uh-oh, the Boy is gonna get a whuppin when he gets home.
    Of course, he’ll be all innocent and stuff :whistle:

    he’ll also be extremely tired and you’ll be so happy to see him that you won’t think of him as a :devil: but an :angel: Yeah, THAT’S the ticket!

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