ok, ok, ok already!

Posted by Lessa on April 6, 2007 in this-n-that |

Sheesh! Lisa sure can be demanding, huh? I can’t tell ya how tempted I am to just make a post that says:


But I shall behave. Sorta. *L*

I’m fighting these stupid sinuses of mine again. I’m considering digging them out of my head with a spork, so that I no longer have to deal with them. What good are they doing ANYway, right? Seriously. Ugh. The only thing cutting through it is Benedryl Maximum Severe Alergy and Sinus Headache. It brings it down to a dull roar, but Im down to my last two. Sob!

Otherwise, things have gotten back to normal around here. The boy though – he looks taller. and older. And thats NOT FAIR. because he was only gone for two weeks and WAH! He’s all world traveled now! He hasn’t told me too much about the trip, he’s kinda quiet like that. But Gramma, at the assembly meeting, ran into two girls. JUNIOR GIRLS. who had gone on the trip and when finding out who The Boy was said “OH! He’s COOL! he hung out with us! We have pictures!” So I’m hoping that someday they’ll send me some copies because The Boy? NOT A SINGLE PICTURE of himself anywhere. *L* Heck, hardly any pictures at all, but well. He’s a boy. So I’m hoping the girls pull through.

There’s also rumors of a site online somewhere that has video or will have shortly – I’ll link it as soon as I find it.

In Puppy news – we’ve gone FIVE WHOLE DAYS without an accident inside. Yay! He and Ace are still working on settling the pecking order, and Annabelle is speaking to us, but still ignoring Deogi. Such is life.

Mom joined me over at 451press, writing for knitting passion! She’s doing a great job over there! My little slice of Watching Survivor had the largest percentage of growth over the last three months (Well, last MONTH since it was nothing before me. *L*) of 277%! Awesome! Hopefully it’ll continue to grow. Though, through the summer, not sure what I’ll do without Survivor! I could offer to do Big Brother, but man – that’s 4 nights a week and that might be a little much for me in the summer time with Little League and all. I’ll browse through and see what other sites might need my particular brand of snark though. *grin*

So that’s what’s happening around this neck of the woods – how are things with YOU?


  • nana says:

    hmmmm – so this post card thingy – are Gramps and Gramma gonna see such a thing?
    sorry about the sinuses – I feel for you – not enough to take them back – but enough to say sorry kiddo!

  • nana says:

    STOP THE PRESSES!! Just got the mail and ta-dah! Post card from the Boy!
    thank you – it is my favorite picture of all the ones he took, too!
    :moose: :wub: :heart:

  • Lisa says:

    See?? That was so easy!! Now I know that you know what a spork is! Don’t ever put one in your nose. That’s what straws are for.

  • Sarah M. says:

    You can tell the kiddos that you know an even cooler person than the one who had her credit on Sharktale…..cause I now have credits on Die Hard 4, Blades of Glory and Norbit! :whistle: :biggrin:

    That’s really the only news around here……just waiting for you to visit!!!!!!!!!! I’ll neek up all :ninja: style……

  • Lessa says:

    OMG! Sarah! thats so AWESOME!!! Congrats!

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