Oy. Seriously.

Posted by Lessa on April 15, 2007 in emotional, rants, this-n-that |

Seriously! (clearly – too much Grays Anatomy for me. Seriously.)

Alright – so, ready to cackle?

See, I have a TV/DVD/VCR combo, right? Love it. Cept it’s a single tuner, which means in order to video tape something you’re not actively watching, you have to have another VCR. Heh. So I’ve been bemoaning this fact, and wishing I had DVR (since up here? no tivo!) and stuff. Then! I found out our cable company? Has DVR now! Color me happy! I rearranged some stuff, and found the extra couple of bucks it’d cost to have that instead of the digital box I already had, and gleefully went to exchange it.

Can you imagine! Watching something, while RECORDING SOMETHING ELSE! I was estatic! I was BOUNCY! I was….

….denied!  See, we DO have DVRs available here now, however? They are not dual tuners either! Which means, to record something, I have to be WATCHING IT. (Or, of course, asleep. this does have an easier ‘timed record’ function for times I’m sleeping and gone and shit, so there’s a bonus there.)  Man. shit like this only happens to me, you know? *L*

I do have it on good authority, however, that the dual tuners are coming soonish, and all I’ll have to do then is switch out the box, because my account is already set up for it. Cool! And also? Local phone service! That means compitition for the monolith that is our phone service now and maybe, just maybe, lower prices! hurray! As it is my cell phone, the kids cell, Long Distance, cable tv and cable modem are all with the same company. Switching over the phone too would be nice -specially as I get Airline miles on all of’em. Heh.

So, playing with the new DVR is fun. Testing to see if I can record a PPV movie and watch it agian later without having to pay again, now. Heh.


In other news: Family Drama. (no, Nana and Ladybug, not ya’ll. the OTHER family.) And I have just told them that I’m done. I do not have the emotional stability in myself right now to take on a whole buncha drama whore bullshit. While it breaks my heart that I probably won’t see the little guy again for a good long while, I cannot condone going back into a relationship where there’s even the suspicion of his hurting that baby. If I had a single leg to stand on…

And the fact she decided to drag Kevin’s name into it and through the mud caused me no end of fury and grief and irritation and resentment. So. She’s on her own. I’m done. D.O.N.E. done. Fuck’em all. It’s time she grew the fuck up anyway.

(And any posts here by her, or about her, will be deleted. This is my goddamn space. I reserve the right to block anyone I deem fit.)


  • Cindy says:

    I totally want the DVR. My new schedule has me working atthe same time the Riches is on, and Gilmore Girls too. I don’t know how I am going to survive until I can scrape up the few bucks for the DVR service every month. I hope they get you the dual tuner soon! :dragonfly:

  • mom says:

    favorite line from silly new nbc show:

    Captain, what were those shiny blue balls?

    he did not have a good answer – now, I do!
    :wub: :moose:

  • mom says:

    oh, and about the perfect neighbors?
    the oldest child? scraped Gramps’ van the other night –
    her pop? furious with her.
    Gramps’ reaction? hahahahahahahaha
    Punishment? well, she has to wash the van (why not the Saturn, too, I ask?!)
    to see how much damage she really did – then she and her pop and possibly Gramps . .
    in between his guffaws – will decide on a good punishment.
    Me? when is MY car getting washed, eh????
    me, too? Bwahahahahahahahaha – the perfect daughter of the perfect neighbors – NOT so perfect.

  • Blyght says:

    Damn. I go off for a brief respite in my own little padded brain and come back to find you sitting here talking about fish. I mean..what IS it about tunas, anyway? Is it an Alaska thang? Do you long to live the carefree, Piscean life? Or is it just the..huh? What? Oh. TunERS. Nevermind.


  • ladybug says:

    LOL @ Blight….. 🙁 Sorry to hear about the everything. the Tuners should be right for us TOO. Why is it that everyone else int he “LOWER 48” get what we really NEED. I mean with all this sun in the summer. we HAVE to tape it all so that we can get to it when it is 2 am and we are falling over … even though it is still light outside and we really could be doing more work on the lawn…. and in order to sleep we need to catch up on the TV stuffs… and while we are catching up we want to record more stuff…. SHESH. and all the good shows are on at the same time. But I fixed that by having a TV in my room. tape there and watch in the front room. HAHAHAHA… told it it was REALLY good to have a tv int he bedroom….

    And th other. I am sorry… & I love you.
    :dragonfly: Me

  • Blyght says:

    Miss Ladybug,

    Wow, it is LIGHT there at 2 am? I am envious. Okay, hows ’bout this? I will trade you a stack of tuners for a year of being light at 2 am! I will even throw in my most annoyi…er, my most favorite cat, too!

    * insert odd rant from person who doesn’t watch tv, even in the lower 46. HEY!! When did we pick up TWO extra states! =] *

    Okay, so from what I can gather, it is a regional oddity that your tivo’s are not DVR’ing your cable company, right? What you need is some streaming video from someone in the down here that can post it online for you to look at so you don’t have to be up and all braindead at 2 am waiting for your shows to come on. :biggrin: Or, would that even work?

    Lessa would know. She knows everything. :biggrin:

    Have I mentioned that I wanna move to Alaska?

  • ladybug says:

    Alaska Rocks and ummmm. streaming for me wouldnt work. I live only a block away from Lessa BUT I am only able to get antina BECAUSE it is a newly developed area. No hich speed internet NO cable NO nothing cool. so IF I go to the sis’s than I get to watch COOL TV. Other than that I live off what I can get.

    I would LOVE the cat. Problem I would swell up to the size of the good year blimp and that doesn’t make for nice love making with the hubby. *G*

    You should TOTALLY move here! Just had to put that in.

    Oh And Lessa THINKS she knows EVERYTHING. but I know a few things she don’t/. Not much but a few. *smirk* can you SEW???????? Like me…. Hun Hun Hun????? didnt think so. see I can do something you don’t know how to do. okay only ONE thing. BUT I am HOLDING ON TO IT! LOL

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