buried in paperwork…

Posted by Lessa on May 9, 2007 in this-n-that |

Hey all – yes, i’m still alive, just buried in Little League registration paperwork. The nice thing is that it means I get to play with the new LL laptop – bad thing? I have to give it back. Bummer. Heh.

But yes, alive and fine, just tired n grumpy. Ya know how it is! So for your enjoyment…


And – when told that the pup could “Slug bug” me anytime since one is in our driveway, it desolved into a “no you CANT because I OWN IT” “Yes I can, cuz it’s THE BOYS” “No it’s not, I paid for it!” “Nuh uh! Daddy did!” “Where you think he got the MONEY” conversation on the way to school yesterday.

Then, she asked the all important question, but check out her reaction to the answer!

The Pup: So how’d daddy get you to give him all that money for the bug and bus?”
Me: KissyKissyGOOGOO of course…

The Pup:


eeeeeeeeeeeew MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!

heh.heh.heh. Enjoy, Mrs. Bubba et al!


  • Mrs Bubba says:

    No child wants to know that their parents *kissykissy*
    let alone *googoo*!

  • ladybug says:

    :w00t: Bwahahahahahahahahahah…….. I LOVE IT! Hey now you see that picture witht he Dog…. that is WHY you have one! that cute little girl could have never lived without Him!

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