
Posted by Lessa on July 7, 2007 in this-n-that |

Fake News

One of the folks that writes for 451 Press shows us this ‘make your own newspaper’ link, so I used it to fancify up my link for 451 Press today! Have you figured out yet that we’re having a contest on who can get the most links pointing to our new Network Front Page? Hahah! I doubt I’m even going to get close enough to win, so figure it’s better to just have fun with it, right? Right.

So, it’s been a while again, which means mom’s over there clucking her tongue and wondering why and Ladybug is poking me with a virtual stick, and my other Loyal Three Readers are quite possibly so bored they’ve decided to forsake me forever. Meanies. But thats alright – I’m still here, just writing so much for 451 Press that I don’t exactly forget about this one, I just don’t have anything but mundane things to add. Like the following randomosity in bullet form! (We love Bulleted Entries!)

  •  Auntie Ladybug is repainting her kids rooms, and my kids are all agog with wonder. I told them in order to get their rooms repainted (by Auntie Ladybug, of course) they would have to FIND them under all the loads of crap. Somehow, that’s worked better then my telling them “No friends, no fun, no nothing until those damn rooms are CLEAN!” Who knew?
  • The girls worked until almost midnight last night, even going so far as to rearrange furniture. Again. Methinks they got that from me. I used to love rearranging furniture when The Asshole was asleep, so that he’d wake up and nothing was where he remembered it. hahahahah! Ahem.
  • Feeling the itch to redo the living room again myself… Eventually I’m gonna have to put my money where my mouth is and clean my own room too. Harumph.
  • Don’t even GET me started on the Garage and what needs to be done there.
  • Schnozz – the lovely lass who started the WoaP down there (did ya NOTICE that I passed 100k finally? Deciding to count all words that I get PAID for makes a big difference. Hee.) has a new writing group idea that I’ve decided to join. Not only will it give me a few hours a week soley dedicated to my writing, it gives me those same hours away from the house and for *me*. I’ll be taking the Little League Laptop (on loan until September!) and hunkering down at a local restaurant where I can have gallons of coffee while I write. Nice. The group? Writers Who Write – or WWW. Catchy, ain’t it?
  • The 4th of July Parade was fun, and there are many pictures on Flickr that I took while there. Like so:
  • That poor sheep. Heh.
  • We’ve had many Alaskan Visitors in our neighborhood, which has us walking carefully and alertly. The Mama Bear and her 2 Cubs visited my sister’s street and tried in vain to get into her garbage can, after knocking down every single can waiting for collection on the through street closest to her. Heh. That’s only a block or so away from us here, but our main visitor has been the Mama Moose, her two new babies and her yearling. The Yearling is as big as our cars. See?
  • I love Big Brother. I’ve discovered the bad part about watching the feeds they have on ShowTime Too this year – I already know who’s been nominated, and who won the power of veto, and generally who is on the Slop. Those things won’t be shown officially until Sunday/Tuesday – sure, we don’t see the actual compitition, but we hear them all talking about it later. Of course, the added benefit is getting to watch Evel Dick as he wanders around talking to himself all night. *L* Awesome. He’s by far my favorite this year.

That’s about it, I think. Well, probably not, but that’s all my brain can come up with to ramble about at this hour of the morning. Yes, it’s before noon, and I’m awake. Why? I DON’T KNOW! It won’t last long. I’m feeling a nap coming on. (Thanks, Benedryl!)

The end. At last.


  • dragonfly says:

    :shocked: I AM PAINTING?……. ALL of thier ROOMS! WHAT?!?

  • damama says:

    you see what being able to SEE on the monitor does for you? :angel:

    and – about different tv shows – I saw Jericho the other night – who KNOWS what episode I saw? Who KNOIWS what in the world is going on? I don’t have a clue – but I THINK it has something to do with aliens and escaped prisoners and, and, and . . . I can’t remember what night or what channel I saw it . . .


    and, btw – if there are any typos – it is because your comment box goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over here and I can’t see what I’m typing. :devil: humpf!

  • Cindy says:

    What is the link for the site that you made the fake news article on? I have some ideas for somethign like that >:>}~ :devil:

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