Hearing better than god…

Posted by Lessa on July 27, 2007 in family, NaBloPoMo 2006 |

One trait of my husband we liked to joke about was his outstanding eyesight. I always told him he had ‘eyesight better then god’ because man – seriously, that boy could SEE. Our son has the same thing going for him too. And as we found out tonight, that applies in a different way to the pup – her hearing.

Phone call one: Auntie Ladybug
“Will one of your older children come over to walk the pup home? Thanks!”

Phone call two: Auntie Ladybug
“Your daughter swears she can hear the Ice Cream Truck – she’s making your son RUN…”
Me: “She must be dream….. why that little bitch, she CAN hear it! BYE!”

ICECREAMb I grabbed my wallet (I LOVE ICE CREAM TRUCKS! we don’t GET them up here very often, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before – and these guys? Sell scoops of DRYERS!) and headed outside to catch the Ice Cream Truck that was INDEED turning down our road. Then explained to them inside, why I was laughing. “My daughter, who’s TWO STREETS OVER THERE, heard you coming! She’s making her brother run her home to catch you!”

ICECREAM They of course found this enormously hilarious, just as I did, and I had the girl run in, call the boy’s cell phone, and let him know we’d caught the truck and find out what he wanted. So funny was this, that they even gave me a 50 cent discount instead of letting my daughter run back inside for change for me. I promised I’d make it up to them. They also said “We’d promised the cute little blond we’d come back when we were in this area of town, so we did! Glad she gets her ice cream!” Said cute little blond came around the corner then, grabbed her drumstick and beamed happily.

It was the funniest thing I’d seen all day…. until an hour later.

The pup went out to grab me a Diet Crack from the fridge, and dropped one. It burst and was spraying EVERYWHERE, while she screamed:

Me: Put it in the sink!
Pup: NO! I SUCK IT! *sluuuuuuuurp*


Which caused me to dissolve into fits of laughter, of course, and resolve to share it with you. Ain’t ya lucky?

1 Comment

  • dragonfly says:

    LOL!!!!!!!! Oh my… that girl. and I STILL want MY ice cream. I DID save the day you know.

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