Two things:

Posted by Lessa on July 28, 2007 in this-n-that |

1. TBF is always telling me that The Pup needs some color, but somehow, I don’t think THIS is what he meant…


Poor lil white Irish baby… and that’s WITH sunscreen. *chuckles*

2. What happens when you give a 15 year old and an almost 13 year old permission to raid the wood pile, a handful of nails, a hammer, a garbage back and duct tape?

Lots of pounding, and laughter and…


A… doghouse? Yes. A Doghouse. That’s what they called it, and I believe’em. Too bad Deogi doesn’t… *L* (PS: the garbage bag and duct tape were to make the roof ‘waterproof’. Them crazy Alaskan’s and their duct tape!)


  • nana says:

    looks to me like it is a “PUP” house. heh

    and, poor sunburnt baby!

  • dragonfly says:

    YAWCHEEE…. need some soother on that? I have some here at the house (sing with me) If you want it, come and get it. LOL

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