O. M. G.

Posted by Lessa on August 4, 2007 in this-n-that |

I can’t hear myself think! Is NOISY around here!

Well, not as noisy as it COULD be, I suppose, as the neighbor hasn’t called to bitch. Yet. Ha. And the girls are out in the bus with music and makeup and dancing and food and general fun…

08-04-07_13PTY_39 Yes, Girls. As in 13 year old girls. Many, many of them.  Ok, 8 of them – but have you ever HEARD eight 13 year old girls all in one place before? Oy.

You see, today is The Girl’s 13th birthday. I am now officially the mother of TWO teenagers, and I’ve never felt older. This is slightly made better when all of the Girl’s friends tell me that I am the Cool Mom. But still. Old.

Being a big milestone birthday, I let the girl invite all her friends, many of whom she hasn’t seen all summer, and have them all pile into my house for the night. One of them can’t spend the night – but I’ll get into that later. Otherwise, all of them are out there dancing around and having fun. Think I’m lyin? On a bathroom trip just a moment ago I overheard “Man. I am so glad you told me about this – this is the most fun I’ve had ALL SUMMER.”

That rocks.

08-04-07_13PTY_37 08-04-07_13PTY_36 BTW – THIS is what 13 looks like.


So cute.

Anyway, we went over to Auntie Ladybug’s place for cake and presents and family, and the AnnaBanana Cake was unveiled to surprise the girl, and she was given many, many girly things which made her girly heart fill with girlish glee.

(Am I the only one singing Ms. Hannigan’s “Little Girls” under my breath right now? Yeah? Ok, then. Just checking.)

08-04-07_13PTY_35And that? Is what the boy looks like when he thinks he’ll get to spend the night over here with all them girls. And that’s what his auntie looks like when she tells him no. Ha.

I am having a very hard time with this whole “two teenager” thing. It’s really hard to believe that my little girl – who never was little as she was 9lbs 10oz when she was born – is a teenager, and has a batch of really good, really cool friends, and a social life that’s busy and full of fun and laughter, and, and, and, and. I remember her first cries, the way she felt in my arms, and when I wrap her in hugs now it breaks my heard just a little bit every time.

But with that is an amazing sense of pride too, for the woman she’s becoming. She’s strongwilled, and sensitive. She’s funny, with an easy laugh and a smile for anyone. She defends her friends and family with a zealousness and fierceness that makes me so very proud. She is empathetic, and caring, and responsible. She also is open and willing to talk about things that bother her, and work them out rather then hold everything in until it’s beyond repair.

I couldn’t possibly love her any more, yet each day I impossibly do.

Happy birthday, baby girl. I love you.

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