And then….

Posted by Lessa on October 29, 2007 in California Vacay |

So, that first night, Erica (DramaMama) Colby (Veil, of the HollyWood Roses, and soon to be the driving force behind 1980 666) and I chatted until 2 am or so, we went to bed (separately, GOSH!) but not before they’d introduced me to the COOLEST thing EVER when it comes to take-out/delivery service: Yummy.com.

Unfortunately, they aren’t in Alaska. Or anywhere else. But what it is, is a grocery store – Erica ordered online, and thirty minutes later they delivered diet coke, wine, cat food, cookies, and the best damn BLT sammiches I’ve ever seen – made fresh, with like 1/2 pound of bacon on it! All for the delivery price of 3 bucks +price of the groceries. I was STUNNED. I swear, if I had that, I don’t think I’d ever leave the house. *L* It was most awesome.

So, the next morning, which’d be day two, I drug my exhausted butt outa the uber comfortable bed (Did I mention my own room and bathroom? Yeaaaaah baby) and downstairs to see what we wanted to do. We decided to grab lunch, naturally, and bum around before we headed up to the Griffith Observatory. Where’d we go for lunch? The one and only Grub. Yeah, THE Grub, home of the one and only Baddabing Betty!

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First off – I was ETERNALLY amused that the restaurant was on SEWARD street. That made my day. Then, then we walked in, and RIGHT THERE was Betty herself – from Top Chef season two, with that infectious smile and warm hug and excitement to meet me (ME! Like _I_ was the special one!) and make my lunch.

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Erica had the Mac and Cheese, while Colby and I opted for the After School Special – which was tomato soup and a grilled cheese sammy that makes my mouth water to THINK about it – and then there were the cookies. Oh. My. GAWD. (I’ll be doing a full review for Reality on Bravo soon, so keep an eye out for that.) UNtil then, get a load of her beautiful smile…

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After lunch, it was off to the Zoo parking lot, to catch the shuttle, to go right back past where we had JUST driven, to get up to the Griffeth observatory. I can’t WAIT to bring the kids there – it is MOST awesome.

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Where else can give you the ability to call the kids with these choice words.. “Hey boy! I walked the orbit of Uranus!” huh?

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While there, we saw many funny things. I decided to move to Pluto, because I only weigh 6 pounds there. I made some old dude almost choke with laughter when we saw a meteorite that is said to weight 395 pounds and I popped off with the comment “Funny, that looks NOTHING like my ass…” We discovered that We! Are! Here!


And also, that Erica and Colby are entirely too cute for words.

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There was all that cool stuff, and ALSO we discovered that Einstein was a dirty old man – He GROPED me!


See, getting hit on all over the place. There are many other pictures in the Flickr, so go enjoy them. After that, we decided to go get Colby’s prescription (he had surgury on his ankle a while back) and then order dinner in. In the process, we totally made The Boy and Girl Jealous beyond all comprehension, when we first drove by, then decided to stop into LA Ink, home of Kat Von D.


While there, it was discovered that one of Erica’s friends and ex-employees at her tattoo shop in Michigan will be working there in a couple weeks. She promised the kids to go back and get autographs and better pictures while Kat isn’t working (since I took that one on the sly. heh.) I did get the girl a t-shirt, and the boy a poster, and every one was UBER excited about the whole thing. Including me. I’m such a fangirl. I mean Betty AND Kat Von D? Yeah, baby!

So, we ordered in for dinner, and then just relaxed, watched some Survivor, and hit the sheets early-ish. (…again, SEPARATELY – GOSH.)

and then….


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