Happy November!

Posted by Lessa on November 1, 2007 in family, NaBloPoMo 2007 |

…wait, what?

How does that happen? I mean SERIOUSLY? Just yesterday it was October for crissakes… (grin)

Here’s a little picture to tide ya over until I do a real post later today. yes, I know, and yes, it will be the continuation of the vacation story. Promise. But I had to show you my favorite ghosts and goblins that I witnessed last night, right? Right.

First, we have a blast from the past, that seriously was the scariest thing I’d ever seen – especially as the outfit worn was MINE, (as seen by the scanned photo) and I wore it with such PRIDE and now… now my baby girl rocked it for dressup and declared it the scariest thing EVER…


Then of course there’s the group shot – a Cheerleader, a princess riding a unicorn, and the boy. I mean, Van Helsing. Or something. *g*


Followed by the obligatory ‘crazy’ shot…


And now I must go bury that cheerleading outfit… and all the memories with it.. hahahah!

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