Day 3 of the Vacation!

Posted by Lessa on November 2, 2007 in California Vacay, NaBloPoMo 2007 |

So here we are, day two of NaBloPoMo, and we’re on day three of my vacation recap. Hurray! (you KNOW you’re dying to know what happened next!!! )

So… after yet another delightful night spent lollygagging in the uber comfortable bed at Erica and Colby’s house, I drug my behind up and into the shower, then packed up again so that I would be ready when I received the call from TBF saying they were on the way. We had been planning to go see the Dali Exhibit that day, but Erica and Colby were both feeling a bit under the weather, so we opted to stay home instead, and I’d go to the exhibit with TBF and his wife on Sunday. We bummed around online, I did some work, and we laughed and talked and ordered from Yummy.com again.

Oh! The night before, I had my first Thai food too! they made this pineapple fried rice that was to DIE for… I could eat that shit all day every day….

So, anyway, we decided to bop down the street so that I could get a picture of the studio that housed the Big Brother House – one of Erica’s friends lives across the street – litterally!


Then I couldn’t resist taking a picture just for the pup, who loves slugbugs more then ANYTHING and is quite eagle eyed in finding them – she would have loved it in Hollywood, because they were EVERYWHERE. Sometimes even traveling in pairs!


We went back to the house, were I got the CUTEST picture of Erica and her mama’s boy cat Seven – see?


How adorable are they? Totally Hollywood, and totally rockin’ the cowboy hat. I had so much fun with them, and next time look forward to seeing them again. And not just because I got to feel her boobs. They might brave the great white north soon too, and I’ll get to show them around my home town – awesome.

About 6pm I got the call that TBF and S. were on their way, and when they showed up in 20 minutes instead of 45 (lighter traffic then expected, of course) I said my goodbyes and walked down to the corner where they were going to pick me up. TBF is uber private, see, and so the two friends of mine weren’t in the same place at the same time to respect that. It’s all good, and hey – this fat ass made that walk easy enough. Its the NEXT one that freakin killed me just a few minutes later…

So they slowed down at the corner, and I shoved my bag into the back of the car and my fat behind in after it, said breathlessly giggling hellos (They’d been circling the block like 6 times before we met. hahaha! That’ll teach them to be early…) and we started to talk. and talk. and decide where to eat dinner. We eventually decided on the Macaroni Grill in Burbank. I know I keep talking about the food I ate – but Oh. My. Gawd. Click the link, I’ll wait. See that NINE LAYER LASAGNA there on the front page? Yeah, I had that. More like I had one corner of that, and the rest is probably STILL in TBF’s fridge. It was FANTASTIC, and the most filling thing EVER.

Anyway, TBF, S. and I talked and giggled and shared stories and giggles some more, and tortured the Boy by sending him picture of the things we were eating. We couldn’t even contemplate desert, we were so full, and we loved every minute of it.

Oh. The Walk. You see, I was introduced to the joy of attempting to find parking in LA on a Friday night as we drove around aimlessly before stalking a couple of guys walking to their car so that we could steal their parking space when they pulled out. Ha! Then, TBF and S. were all “Oh, it’s just down there!” And pointed the way down a couple of “Good LA blocks” all going DOWNHILL. I made it there, though oy! Ow! Breathless and still laughing as they kept forgetting to SAUNTER and would slide into their normal MACH THREE walk.

So the walk there – not so bad. I mean, I was breathless, and my back and hip hurt, but not so bad. Then we stepped outside after eating pasta until bursting full, and realized that lovely downhill walk now had to be reversed.


I only stopped twice – which made me happy, except for the fact that the second time I stopped I was LITERALLY right next to the building we were parked in. If I had realized that I wouldn’t have HAD to stop and rest the back, I’d have powered through, but no. I felt like an idiot. TBF and S are wonderful though, and didn’t make fun, just kept up the conversation and waited until I was ready to power on, and enter the SAUNA of a parking garage which near killed me with oppressive heat. Thank god for Air Conditioning!

We went to S’s house to make bathroom breaks and meet the kitty, and let S and TBF see videos of the kids, before we said our see you sunday’s! and hopped into TBF’s truck for the ride to Frazier Park. The ride was nice, and much talking and connecting and feeling good about finally being with him again – nothing like having your TBF in touching distance to help get your head back on an even keel. Home at Frazier Park, and I met the new animals that have arrived since my last visit, hugged the wife (rawr!) and compared new laptops (His is Bigger. Yeah, I said it. I can admit it. But you know, big is nothing if you don’t use it! So THERE! hahaha!) talked and talked some more, before finally collapsing to sleep on the couch they’d gotten just for me. Snoogans and I had a little discussion about whether she’d be able to sleep on my chest (no) or my feet (yes) and Gimli settled on the floor to protect me from the cats, or everyone else from me, or whatever, and we finally fell asleep.

Next on the agenda? Jousting, near death experiences and baby fixes, oh my!


  • TBF says:

    Did your lasagna ever actually make it into the fridge? I remember finding an empty container on the counter one morning… and figured either you finished it… or Gimli did.

  • Lessa says:

    hahaha. You know what? I’m not sure. I would lay bets on Gimli though. I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did! *L*

  • Sarah M. says:

    I just find it funny her would leave the container on the counter…what manners!

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