Escape to CA – Day Nine

Posted by Lessa on November 8, 2007 in California Vacay, NaBloPoMo 2007 |

Additions to yesterday via TBF – because I am blond and forget things! (and I’m the sexytary. Sheesh! I may have to retire! THEN what would you do?!) The name of the little town we saw when we made the wrong turn at Albuquerque was Maricopa – which translates to something similar to “Gateway to the Sea” and as we were going to Pismo Beach, and the Sea, I CLEARLY needed to see the Gateway first, right? Right! Then there was the ominous “Pavement Break” signs. They started MILES before we saw anything resembling a pavement break. There were “road work ahead!” and caution signs, and every mile or so a PAVEMENT BREAK sign. It was coming! They warned us! IT COULD HAPPEN AT ANY MOMENT! and then it didn’t. And it didn’t again. And it didn’t some more. But the signs, they were ALL THERE! THE APOCOLYPSE WAS COMING! Er, I mean, the PAVEMENT BREAK! But first? BRAND NEW PAVEMENT! But the warnings – STILL THERE!

And then? It HAPPENED! The pavement, it broke! And there was (oddly smooth for this Alaskan..) dirt roads for a bit, which TBF slowed down REALLY FAST before hitting that breaking point, until the pavement was no longer broken. For me, who lives in a state with two seasons, Winter and Road Construction, it was highly amusing!

So! Thursday morning dawned bright and clear at around 11am – as far as I was concerned anyway, and I grabbed Scooter and headed down the stairs to say goodmornig to a chipper and cheerful Roxan working out in the living room. With dumbbells and everything! So she is in shape when they decide to have KIDS. THIS is my SIL who SWORE she’d NEVER settle down! Yes, I’m still in shock. Anyway – I settle down and boot up Scooter, because one of the things she hoped I could accomplish for her was getting their wireless internet fixed. Little did she know I was brand new to the whole wireless game, but I faked it pretty good, and said I’d give it my best, even if I had to call their provider and yell at someone. I’m good at that, after all! After a moment’s panic, she found the piece of paper with the info on it, and I putzed around on Scooter and found her connection, and then went about trying to figure out why their password wouldn’t work. Meanwhile, she grabbed the phone to call Klem (the bf), and ask him some questions about it, and in eavesdropping on her half of the conversation, there was a word that just DID NOT BELONG. My brows arched thoughtfully, and I plugged it in et voila, I are a genius, her wireless CONNECTED sans problems for the rest of my stay.

Y eah. I’m THAT good.

So, with a happy smile, she raced off over the hill to San Jose in order to pick up my BIL the Clown, and our 2 year old nephew, who I was getting to meet for the very first time. I hit the shower while she was gone, and answered email, said hello to the cats


and putzed around and waited for them to arrive. And arrive they did – and can I just say that this youngest nephew of mine? Is ADORABLE. Yes, just like all my other nephews and my niece! But really! Get a load of this face!


TELL me that is not a face built for mischief?! I knew right away he and I would get along JUST FINE. He took a little convincing, as he huddled close to his Auntie Roxan, who he had met before on several occasions. I had brought along a stuffed moose, though – all soft and squishy – to buy his affections, and he accepted it, for half a second. Then he played with a bungee cord from Daddy’s luggage. So? I did what all good auntie’s do – I formed the bungee cord into a leash for the moose so he could drag it all over the house. Mission accomplished – you could see it dawning in his eyes “THIS one will SPOIL ME ROTTEN! SCORE!” He and I then began a fight over his binky and if he really needed the plug. “MINE! giiiiiiiiimme that! You don’t NEED that!” which was the cause of MUCH giggling on both our parts.

Cory (the BIL Clown) was in need of food, so we plopped Baby Kevin into the stroller, and they made my fat ass walk down to Karls, where we had some pretty darn good burgers, and bonded with the baby. Then, of course, we had to walk back, and Roxan was all ‘What happened to your back?’ and I was all ‘Its the lower back and hip – and I had three kids. But mostly? A fat lady walked around on ’em all day!’ And she smacked me. Awesome.

The baby was tired, and Roxan wanted to take me around a bit, and so we headed out to explore, and go see Klem’s shop. She kept asking me what I had wanted to see, and I was all “DUH woman, I came to see YOU! Whatever you want to show me here is just icing on the cake!” I’m pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me. So THATS where the kids get it….

I saw the house they grew up in, and got my first glimpse of Their Tree.


When they were little, this tree is where Roxan and Kevin would go, and Kevin would spin stories for her to help them forget the hell they were living in at home. It was that tree, where Kevin – who talked back then about death a lot – would tell her that whoever went first, they would meet there at Their Tree. For obvious reasons it’s been hard for Roxan to go there, and the first visit – it was foggy anyway – we just drove past, and along the West Coast Drive. We decided to go back after the fog cleared, when we could get better pictures.

Klem’s shop, O’Rielly’s Tattoo in Santa Cruz looks nothing like a tattoo shop typically would from the outside. It’s a lovely little Victorian house, and as we walked in, Roxan showed me the window of her old place, where she was looking out and first saw Klem. Nothing like the typical guys she’s gone out with before, she took one look and knew that he was her guy. (All together now… aaaaaaaawwwwwww!) She took me inside, introduced me to all the guys in the shop, and then to Klem were we took a look at and stamped our approval on the tattoo he’d just finished. He took a look at my new one, and I got to look at his picture book, and generally get a feeling for the whole group of guys there – they were getting ready for a convention they’d be headed too the next day, and just got their Flash artwork in that they were going to sell. I’m proud to say I was one of the first people who got to see it – and they are one group of seriously talented guys… I think next tattoo I get, I’m going to sign up ahead of time and let Klem do it. (He’s always booked up to 5 months in advance!)

We went back to West Coast Drive, as the fog had indeed cleared, and got out and took some pictures at some scenic points. I saw silly surfers, and paddle boarding (ALL the craze with Celebs right now) and the monument to all the surfers who had died there.


Then we went back to Their Tree, and I offered to go over there by myself, but Roxan decided she was ok, and would join me. It’s a beautiful tree, very peaceful, with views that are just serene and amazing. I can see why they would claim it for their own.




As we were walking back from the tree to the car, that’s when IT HAPPENED. A First for my Califonia visits! We crossed the street, and were almost to the car, when this old stationwagon went by, with surf boards on top, and a hippy hanging out the front window as they slowed down. “HEY!” he yelled, and I turned around.. “YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL AURA!” he says and I looked at Roxan, but he was looking at me, and so I just threw open my arms, smiled, and said “THANK YOU!” and he drove off…

Roxan started laughing and was all “My god! You weren’t kidding!” and I was all “DUDE. I just got hit on by a WHITE GUY! I gotta call TBF!” which I did, leaving a voice mail, with much amusement. Now, the poor Hippy was probably confusing my shiny sunburned nose with a bright Aura, but who am I to complain?

Conclusion: California loves me.
TBF’s reply: I TOLD YOU SO.

Also, on this trip down by the boardwalk, this guy on a bicycle went right in front of us (because apparently, he is a god and cannot be hit. COME BACK AND TRY THAT AGAIN MOFO!) and had the nerve to yell at US because Roxan had to slam on her breaks so as not to hit him. Roxan cussed him out, and then while we were at the next light, he caught up with us and rode right next to us – Roxan had just answered her cell phone and he was all “Yeah that’s RIGHT you better CALL somebody!” and I was like ‘….what?’ so i flipped him off and she did too, and Roxan was all “WHAT the hell was THAT about? What’s THAT mean? better call somebody… you better BELIEVE I’m gonna call somebody – I’m gonna call a can of WHUPASS on you THATS what I’m gonna call” or some such stuff. I can’t recall exactly what she said, because I had dissolved into a pile of uncontrollable giggling at that point – but that was the general idea. California Road Rage. LOVE IT.

We got back to the house, and I have honestly NEVER seen my BIL so photogenic. It might have had something to do with the props…


Seriously, how cute is he? (I mean Baby Kevin. Of course. *g*)

helpinSo, we put him to bed, and Roxan went to pick up her vegetable delivery and while she was gone a certain Bubba and Nancie arrived! It was apparently going to be a surprise, but Bubba, he spilled the beans to me while I was in Frazier Park. *L* I was very happy to see them, though, as it’s been some time since I’ve gotten to cuddle me Bubba and Nancie – who’s all growed up. SIGH. Not sure when THAT happened, but it was clearly when I wasn’t looking! So there was a LOT of conversation and giggling and general mayhem, and then Roxan decided to COOK!

Yes. She COOKS now too! Cory took off to go play darts with his hometown friends after I assured him we’d watch the baby, Bubba joined him for a beer or two but came home in time for dinner, as did Klem, and another friend of theirs who’s name escapes me at the moment. While dinner was being made, Baby Kevin alternated between ‘helping’ and ‘driving Auntie Nuts’ and traveling from the bowl of strawberries to my side, where he’d hand a strawberry to me to pick the greens off, before shoving them in his mouth and going back for another one with a cheerful ‘Tankoo!’ So. Friggin. Cute.

Dinner? Chicken and Dumplings, with a beet salad on the side. It was DELISH! Even with (Or partially because of) the help she had. I couldn’t have made it better myself! We talked and laughed and watched Tattoo Throwdowns on TLC, and generally reconnected. The house was even happier when filled with friends and family, and I was perfectly content to watch and listen and talk and share.

KlemMeKlem had to get to bed kinda early, as he had to go leave early in the morning for his convention in San Jose, so we got a quick picture together, and then he was off.

Roxan put the baby to bed, and then herself. We all just sat around and talked while Nancie curled up against Bubba and fell asleep. We got her off to bed too – as Cory came in and showed off his winnings – he’s won every dart tournament he’s entered just about, and that night was no different!

Soon, the house was quiet, with everyone crashing in their rooms. I watched the internet Stream of Survivor, and did a quick post to hold over my legions of fans until I wrote my full recap, and then hit the sheets myself.

Thus ended Thursday!

Tomorrow – Trees That Make My Ass Look Small. Oh, and? Poor Nancie discovers her Family’s Obsession with Bewbs. AKA – if ya show ’em off, we’re gonna point ’em out.

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