Monday, monday…

Posted by Lessa on November 12, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

Yes, mama, I know it’s Monday and I’m later then normal getting this up. You see, I been on puke patrol all night! UGH.

First, Friday morning, the pup said “I have a tummy ache, but I might just be huuuuuungry” so I said ok, and since she had no fever, I sent her down to Papa’s for breakfast. Only to get a call about 45 minutes later: “Um, she just threw up all over my garage floor. I’m gonna clean her up and send her home.”

Oh goody! She slept off an on all day, did develop a fever, and threw up and hugged her bucket, and then felt better. I have talked myself out of being sick for a couple days (PMS is plenty, THANKS.) and then last night, right after the kids finished their chore, the older two turned white, and then made a beeline to the bathroom within minutes of each other. I expected a pileup, truth be told. So buckets were duly given out, and I knew there would be no school for them today. Oh goody.

I’m still talking myself outa feeling queasy.

So how was YOUR weekend? Heh.

Last week, since I was writing my vacation recaps, I kept making mental notes of things to write about later.I should have made PHYSICAL notes, on paper and pen, cuz I’ve since forgotten all of them. hahahah! Of course, most of it probably revolved around some of my irritation about some people I ‘know’. Sure, I only know them via text, but as writers, we are pretty good at getting our point across, right? Well some of these people are the BIGGEST WHINERS I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I give the PTB huge props because just reading the forums (closed to public, for obviously good reason!) makes me want to quit more often then not. Thankfully I love what I do, and I love writing the way I write, and I know and understand that writing on the internet is a crapshoot – you won’t automatically make millions, or have gazzillions of hits, and hundreds of thousands of returning visitors. I write it because I enjoy it. If I were to make a living at it, I’d have to work much harder at it then I do. As it is, I’m perfectly content with my pay, and more importantly, with the content I crank out on a regular basis.

But mostly, i UNDERSTAND when sometimes, things don’t happen right away. Maybe it’s because I’ve been in management positions before, but sometimes, things just don’t go the way they’re planned, that sometimes it takes a little longer and there are kinks to work out. Bitching and complaining doesn’t make it happen any faster – if anything, it makes it take LONGER because you’re busy distracting them from getting things resolved!

Maybe I just give people the benefit of the doubt, especially when they come through EVERY SINGLE TIME in the end. Suck. It. UP. You’re adults for crissakes. GAWD.

Ugh. Writers.


Ugh. PMS.

Stealing a line from Big Brother 8 and reworking it… “This INTERNET, these PEOPLE, this JOB!

And there’s ya Monday post.


  • mama says:

    πŸ˜‰ just keeping you on track – heh.

    and, yup, I tend to not even GO to the forums anymore – or at least not read PAST the first whiner. ;/

    what’s on tap for Tuesday? heh

  • mama says:

    oh, and poor sick babies – poor papa for being the one who had to clean it up – thank goodness I was not home at the time. πŸ˜‰

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