I will NOT throw up….

Posted by Lessa on November 13, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

…I will NOT throw up….
…I will NOT throw up….
…I will NOT throw up….
…I will NOT throw up….
…I will NOT throw up….

That’s about how I’ve felt all night. So far I’m winning the battle. I fear I may lose the war.

That’s the worst part about having kids bring home all these lovely bugs from school. (THANK YOU MRS. W – I know it was you who started this!) Eventually they catch up to mama – and we adults just don’t bounce back as fast as the kids. The older two are at Papa’s, quite possibly eating him out of house and home since they’ve not eaten much of anything in over 24 hours. *L* The little one’ll be headed down on time too. Then I’ll go back to bed and continue with my montra.

But well, you know MY mama likes to read these nice and early, so figured I’d get it up here.

Last night, we passed another Teenage Girl Milestone, btw. No, not that one yet. The girl has always had dry skin and dry spots (exema – though I dunno how to spell it. *L*), most especially on her legs. It’s been a constant battle to keep her moisturized and using a good lotion on a daily basis to keep it under control. She suddenly started making sure her legs were lotioned EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT – so I knew something was up…

Indeed, last night, the question came: “Mom? You think my legs are good enough now so that I can shave them?”

AHA! Of course, when she’s my age, she will appreciate the fact that her hair is EXTREMELY blond, and hard to see, and you can totally get away with not shaving EVER if you don’t want too. Last time I did was when I was pregnant with the pup, and you can’t tell. Ha! Anyway – permission was granted, and she bopped off to the shower after I told her where the razors were, and cautioned her to use a good lather, and also that she WOULD cut herself the first time, so expect it. She did much better then I did the first time! She only nicked herself twice in two little tiny spots – and she’s happily sporting hairless legs under her jeans today.

Le sigh. They grow so fast… (the girls, not the hairy legs. *L*) I fully expect the Pup to ask me within the week when SHE can, once she overhears the girl telling someone about it. Heh.

So, now? I must go back to bed and give my tummy a stern talking too – i WILL win goshdarnit! – and thus, I will leave you with pictures. Because you know you think my kids and animals are the cutest things EVER. It’s ok, you don’t have to admit it – we know. (grin)

There are few things cuter then a dog and his monkey (which he’s since completely destroyed, of course, in another case of Stufficide), unless of course, you find a girl to play with too…


The dog, of course, is pretty cute on his own – and completely shameless:


But he’s even cuter when he’s using the boy as a pillow:


And we can’t leave out the pup, who took time between bucket tossings, to prove just HOW BIG MY CAT IS, and why I was so shocked and thought TBFs animals were so small…


Meanwhile – Annabelle longs to go outside:


Until this morning, of course – we officially have snow on the ground. Heh.

And there ya go. I’ma go have that talk with my stomach now. Ya’ll be good.

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