Posted by Lessa on November 16, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

So – aside from being sick, and after finishing the vacation wrapup – it’s like nothing exciting has happened at all, right?! Things are just so NORMAL around here! Except for the fact I’m still trying to figure out how it’s already November – I mean, didn’t we already JUST do the whole Christmas shopping thing? And now I gotta do it AGAIN? I swear, it goes faster and faster and faster…

annapraiseThe biggest excitement around here is the new automatic catbox. Yeah, after being owned by a variety of cats over the past 20 years, I finally got one! I was a bit worried that my fatass wouldn’t fit in it, but he manages just fine – it’s actually roomier then the old one, due to the basic design. I got a Scoopfree auto box, which had the best reviews of all I’ve seen, even though the refills are spendier. I’d been warned about the (not so) quiet motor, and that it might frighten the cats.

HAHAHAH! When it starts, Annabelle will run from wherever she is in the house to watch it move. She’s amazed – it’s like the concept is some miracle from above “I went in and did mah bidness, an it CLEANED ITSELF! I never have to step in Ace’s bidness ever again! HALLALOOYA! An’ all the cats sang AMEN!” (Apparently she went all southern baptist on me briefly and all. Haha.)

acebigdealIt’s also had the side benefit of her not pissing on anything else around the house like she would do before because she’d decided that the litter was too dirty for her precious lil paws. Thank you ScoopFree! (and the kids thank you too. hahahaha. oh the hatred for scooping and catbox cleaning…)

Ace, on the other hand is all blase about it. “…it’s a catbox. Gawd, Annabelle. Get ahold of yaself, kitten.” In fact, when he snuck out to the garage, where the old catbox is currently sitting empty, he nanchalauntly pissed in it. “See? This too is a box to pee in. Big freakin deal.”

And that’s the extent of our exciting life here. Oh, and we got some snow too. But well, it’s Alaska. That’s bound to happen sooner or later. Heh. How’s YOUR Friday going?

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