Sims and Snow.

Posted by Lessa on November 18, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

So, in retaliation for my making her watch reality tv (and her LIKING it! HAHAHA!), Jamie insisted that I Must! Have! Sims! 2! and in a fit of boredom one day, I ordered it and installed it on Scooter. Then, of course, I had to order another copy that would work on Lola (don’t have a dvd player on her, only on scooter)  for the kids because OH MAH GAWD the bitching.. and I may let them use Lola now, but SCOOTER IS MINE – HANDS OFF YA MANGY BRATS! Ahem. So anyway, it came in yesterday, and oh lordy. I thought it was amusing to play and yell at the SIMS for being stupid, but that’s not HALF as fun as listening as my kids play, and yell at their sims, and each other. Some choice bits heard last night between The Girl and her BFF, and/or The Boy:

We love the lesbos! (Mom: yes, they’re politically incorrect. They’re THIRTEEN. *L*) This one is like me. And this one like me. And they had BABIES.

Hey – WHY won’t they WooHoo?!

Aww all my wants n fears are bout you baybee!


My gawd, will you PICK UP THE BABY? Why you leave her outside?!

Hey mom, can I say my chicks name? (this one via The Boy. The name? HollyWood Fucksalot. My kids KEEL me.)(and now Nana might keel mah kid. haha.) (also via the boy: Thats a mighty short skirt. CLEARLY she digs girls. (me – that connection makes sense only in your dreams, boyo… only in your dreams…)

You’re HUNGRY. Why won’t you EAT?

Get a JOB already. I’m staying home with the kids! Why – you win a coin toss? NO! Fine! Let’s Rock Paper Sizzors! Dang! 2 outa 3! DANG! 3 outa 5! FINE I BE THE WORKING MUM! GOSH!

They’re still not EATING! Oh. We forgot to buy them a fridge full of food…. whoops.

FINE! We will start a NEW family!


That only scratches the surface of course, as they each took 2 hour turns to play, while I shook my head and snickered at them behind their back. While I was playing on Scooter. And talking them through some of the finer points of the game, etc. You know, like how to hit the motherlode and buy or build the house of your dreams. Hah.

So yeah. Sims 2. Kill me. (3 woohoos = 3 babies? you gotta be KIDDING me! STOP THE WOOHOOING! you got COMPANY! Kids! Take note! WOOHOO= BABY! NO REAL LIFE WOOHOOING EVER!) (that one? via Me. On the phone to Jamie. Who I then threatened undying hatred. And reminded her Amazing Race is on tonight and finish your BB9 app too, woman. GOSH. IDIOTS.) (shaddup.)

So. Anyway. Then? I went to sleep. And THIS happened.


WTF? It’s like suddenly we remembered it’s winter. in Alaska. SHEESH.


  • Jamie says:

    I feel absolutely no remorse, either.

  • Ladybug says:

    To the boy! well done. like your name. and YES you may say it if it her name.
    To the two girls. YOU SLAY ME!!!!!!!
    To You .. Lessa my sis of all sis”’ you will get payed back for posting that picture … OSU WON the game yesterday… and it was against Michigan… Hee Hee.. and most of all. shu is a little on the slow side. it was SNOWING when I took them home.

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