Nag, nag, nag…

Posted by Lessa on November 19, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

So, you like, go through half a month of posting every day, and folks, it seems, start to EXPECT it to be here when they come around! And when ya ain’t written nothin yet, they all email you and start chompin at the bit and demanding that I entertain him, I mean them.

But man. I got NUTHIN.

Well. I could tell ya that TBF and I spent yesterday contemplating the values of cutting someone’s hair with a blow torch, in true Horror Film Esque fashion, and there may have been something about stomping puppies and taking battle axes to watermelons too, all in an effort to ease foul moods. Hahaha. Yes, crossing us in bad moods is not a good idea – specially if there’s blow torches or battle axes or puppies around.

(Oh stopit. we wouldn’t REALLY do that. most days.)

Instead of doing those, though, I ended up snapping at the kids, because OHMAHGAWD how HARD is it to stretch your arm TWO INCHES to the left and throw garbage away instead of leaving it on the counter?! And coming out and saying “I did this, now someone ELSE do this” is only allowed if your the MOTHER and IN CHARGE – when you are a TEENAGER, it’s not gonna be taken nicely, and what happens next is the Mother slamming shit into the sink, AND making a point of getting what she’d asked you to do that you’ve been putzing around at doing for 2 hours done in five minutes and THEN she’ll even yell a bit to make SURE her point is getting across.

Thank god I wasn’t PMSing, on top of it all huh?

(hide the blowtorches! And, you know, Auntie Ladybug’s hair. hahahah)

Ahem. Lessa was a bit irritated last nigh, see? So we totally shouldn’t talk about that, you know? Hahaha.

So that leaves… um. Well. This post. But look at it this way – by Thursday night, Friday and Saturday – I’ll have things to talk about! There will be family, food, and Christmas Comes To Kenai Celebrations, and Birthday Parties, and stuff! So, like. Totally stick around, huh?

Now, I gotta go make my Sims STOP WOOHOOING already! GOSH!


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