My LOL cat.

Posted by Lessa on November 20, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

What? You expected real posts AGAIN today? What do you WANT from me? I’m eternally boring now that I’m at home again. The kids have been sorta behaving, though there was an interesting conversation with The Girl and her BFF who’s mom apparently is still of the old school belief that you can’t use tampons until you have sex. Mmmmmkay. That of course evolved (or dissolved) into a Diva Cup discussion, and other possibilities and the joys of being poked and prodded at the GirlybitDoctor.  (TMI? Really? Cuz I can do worse, much worse…) The boy, of course, studiously ignored that conversation. Ha!

I could tell you that my son was fantastic and actually fixed my leaky sink pipe for me – complete with plumbers butt. No, I didn’t take a picture. Yes, you’re welcome.

Or, I could just leave this, my cat channeling my inner thoughts….


See ya tomorrow! *L* (Can she possibly get more boring? CAN SHE? Tune in and see!)

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