So – Black Friday…

Posted by Lessa on November 24, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

…I didn’t do a lick of shopping. Go me! Instead, we did the seeing Santa come to town thing, and then after a bit of a nap, we headed back into town to see the Light Parade and Fireworks.

At the Light Parade, we munched on coney island hot dogs and fries, and enjoyed the shortest parade ever. *L* Included was the brand spankin new KCHS Drumline. They’re… learning. But not bad for being a brand new concept for our area. (grin) See? (yes, it’s dark. Yes you can hardly see them. But you can sure HEAR them!)

Here’s the floats…


Told ya it was a short parade. *L*

Then we hightailed it over to ‘our’ spot to wait for and watch the fireworks. Somehow I ended up with all the kids in my car – the smallest car at that! – and there was much laughter and roughhousing and “if you kids don’t settle down I’ma kick ya all out!” which they completely ignored of course. guess I’m not quite the mean mom I pretend to be…


The Boy and his BFF just used me as a pillow, though. Hah.

Then came the fireworks, and they were really good this year! They get better every year, they do. There was this one that was FANTASICLY AWESOME – so much so that I totally forgot to take a picture because I was just staring as it went off right over our heads and bathed the entire area in twinkling lights… Yes, I am still a child at heart, why do you ask? But I got some pics, and a short video of the finale too. You know you wanna see it…


Tomorrow? Pictures of the Nephew’s birthday party we went too today. What? i still have SIX MORE NABLOPOMO posts to do! I gotta stretch it out!!!

1 Comment

  • mama says:

    the fireworks sounded like they were right outside our window last night – which, given that we live in such a small town, I guess they were! Glad you had a good time. I only stepped out of the house to have brekkie with paw-paw and later to go to the post office.

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