Swimming and cake and flirting, oh my!

Posted by Lessa on November 25, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

So, on the 19th, and on the 20th, we had two big birthdays in our family – D-man turned 11, and TAT turned 9. Where does the time go?!  Being as their birthdays are so close together, we do tend to celebrate them at the same time, and this year was no different. The Ladybug family (and my kids too) LOVE to swim, and the Nikiski Pool is a fine pool indeed to get ya party on in. So that’s where we headed.

We weren’t the only folks celebrating or simply enjoying the water – there was MANY MANY PEOPLES there.


That’s a picture BEFORE it got really crowded. And yes, all the kids are in there…. somewhere. We tried to keep tabs on them, and Papa even came prepared to take in all the sights…


Though even with the help of the binocs, he rarely could distinguish one little wet head from another while they bounced around happily in the pool. We were shocked however – we KNEW the Pup was really tall, and getting taller by the day, but that still did not prepare us to watch her walk through the 3-4ft section head and shoulders above the water level. She’s so TALL. It’s astonishing!

The boys, of course, simply followed the girls around – only because they were conveniently going that way…. least that’s what they SAID…


What’s funny is that while we were eating Cake – there were a couple young girls in bikini’s putting on quite the show for the boy. They were there with another group, who had a little guy playing in the sitting area with us.  The girls kept coming over and bending over the railing to give the little dude kisses, and talk to him. Not so unusual, right? Except that every single time they bent over, they looked for The Boy to make sure he was watching… and he was, of course. Mama and I snickered and shook our heads – the boy thinks he’s invisible, but he’s oh so not…..


The girl is still working on her “no more pictures!” paparazzi rebuff stances. She’s pretty good at it too…

The nephews loved their gifts, and it was funny to see that TAT takes after his mama – he loves to save the paper, and as such, Dman was already playing with his gifts while TAT was still carefully peeling away tape.  It was hysterial!


I got them each a copy of The Dangerous Book For Boys – which is a MOST AWESOME BOOK – and you should totally go out right now and at least read the chapter on Girls.


It made Nana and Papa giggle as much as it did me! It’s a short chapter, but OH SO IMPORTANT. *L* The book gives detailed instructions on how to build all sorts of kick ass things… it’s a must have for every guy in your life, age 1-100.


And of course the cakes were fabulous -like there was any doubt?


 And that’s how we spent yesterday afternoon – what did YOU do?

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