Posted by Lessa on November 26, 2007 in this-n-that |

Sometimes I am SUCH a flake. I wondered why there was still some extra cash in the bank account, and now I finally go through my bills and find out why. Heh. Forgot to pay a couple that didn’t come due until I came home and I thought I had paid them already but GUESS WHAT so now it’s catchup time.

That’s not so bad though as the one thing I thought I had done before I left and sent off, I just found still sitting on my desk (the things you find when you clean said desk) which means I need to get that in ASAP so that next month’s payday isn’t delayed. GRR. Sometimes I are an idiot.

Anyway.  there’s six days left of nablopomo and we’re still going strong… or at least going. I’m hoping for a random prize win this year – wouldn’t that be most awesome? there’s a couple things I have my hopeful eye on. I mean – who  could resist a sock zombie?! Not me! I want one. Or two. Or three. ITS SO CUTE!

And no, I have nothing else of importance to say today, unless you want to hear more about the new automatic catbox, that I had to change today and was rediculously easy – and even though it lasted 2.5 weeks, instead of 4 (poopmachines, my cats..), it’s totally worth it. Hah. So, instead, I leave you with a cute puppy picture.


1 Comment

  • Mrs Bubba says:

    It must be the time of year for Bubble-headed Bill Paying! :o) I did the opposite – I paid a bill , but forgot to deduct it in the check book register, so looked $500 richer than I thought I was. Oops.
    Oh, and is your cute puppy not allowed on the furniture like our cute puppy is not allowed on the furniture (as I turn to look at her dozing on the chair…)??

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