Say wha?!

Posted by Lessa on November 28, 2007 in this-n-that |

So, today, I had to take a couple of kittens who are no longer kittens at all to the vet for their rabies shots, and a general checkup. This is always an interesting proposition, especially as our cat carrier is just not made for That. Amount. Of. Cat.

Last visit, they both fit fine inside, this visit it was a little more of a squeeze… and we almost needed a crane to carry the little bastards  – as it was we had to be sure to carry it from the bottom of the carrier, because the top would pop right off if we tried to use the handle. *L* Thats a LOTTA CAT…


So, we got to the vet, and they were impressed with the size. Officially, Ace is now 18.6 pounds, and Annabelle a mere 11.6 pounds. The exam went well, though I’ve never ever seen Ace scared of anything – but he was, he was literally SHAKING in my arms, which made me laugh hysterically, of course.


Then came the verdicts. Anna – perfectly fine and healthy. Ace, healthy and fine, but a little overweight. The suggestions were of course to not let him free feed. There’s one little problem with that – if we take away his food, he eats the dog food. Hah. So we’ll have to figure out a way to work it – which probably means going to feed Deogi at the same time and stop the free feeding all together all the way around. They did find it amusing that the dog is so pussywhipped and will wait for Ace to finish drinking the dogs water before he goes and gets his own. *L*

So, I tried to tell Ace that we were going to change his eating habits. The reaction:


“Say WHAT?”

followed by:


Hysterical laughter.

This may be harder then I thought…..

1 Comment

  • TBF says:

    Dude… with 3 dogs and 3 cats (2 of which need specific diets) I can teach you the art of feline fine dining. Hell, Willow (the Carpathian) lost enough weight to go from near-sumo kitty to a merely reasonably sized Carpathi-kitty on a duck-based diet. This? Is doable.

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