A child of the 80s

Posted by Lessa on November 29, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

I admit it – I’m a child of the 80s. I tried the big hair, I adored every hair band out there, I find Jon Bon Jovi the sexiest thing to come out of New Jersey, ever. I still know the words to a whole bunch of songs, even if I can’t remember who sang them half the time (senility hits early! Ha!) It’s nice to see I’m not the only one with this affliction! A parue through youtube finds ALL SORTS of 80s goodies!

Better then the hair bands and video trip through the 80s though, is the COMMERCIALS. I love me some awesome commercials, I always have. It’s the only reason I watch the Super Bowl, and often I remember the commercials more then whatever TV program I’m watching at the time. It’s that 20 seconds of LOLtastic glee that makes my day… and the 80s… oh we had some serious amounts awesome and Giant Magazine produced a list, completely with youtube vids of some of the greatest moments EVER… Observe…

Who can forget this PSA? I LEARNED IT FROM YOU, alright? I learned it FROM WATCHINGYOU!

And then – we all learned the songs of Freedom Rock in one line bursts from this one:

Do YOU remember the McDLT? I do! Course, it helps that I was working at McDonald’s at the time. Regardless, did you know Jason Alexander did a commercial for it? No? Well HERE!

And how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop?

(and also – kid, WHY ARE YOU NAKED?)

OMG – no WONDER I’m obsessed with the word ‘indubitably’ even though half the time I can’t say it! LOOK TBF! ITS NOT MY FAULT!!!

And proof that so many of us are going to hell – nothing makes us laugh harder then I’ve Fallen and I can’t get up!

And speaking of old… WHERE’S THE BEEF?

And next time my kids ask me how did I know? I’m gonna remember that I HEAAAAAARD it through the GRAPE VINE…

After all – this is your brain…

I’d share more, and tell you where to find them.. but… it’s an “ancient Chinese secret!”


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