Friday Night

Posted by Lessa on November 30, 2007 in NaBloPoMo 2007 |

First, there was this:

The Boy: So Garret wants me to go over to Jen’s house tonight.
Me: Ok… who’s Garret?
TB: He’s dating .Cindy.
Me: Oh. Wait, who’s Cindy?
TB: (Sigh!) Jen’s older sister.
Me: Ah, ok. So. Garret, who I don’t know…
TB: He’s the one that just got the El Camino
Me: OH! (pauses for a moment to enjoy the AWESOMENESS of that..) Ok, so Garret who i don’t know, but who has a car that is much awesome, and is dating .Cindy., who is Jen’s sister, invited you over to Jen’s house… to do what, exactly…
TB: Beowolf.
Me: Ok. Wait, what?
TB: (with exaggerated patience) Garret makes movies, and they need me for the party scene so we’re all meeting at Jen’s.
Me: OH, ok. Is this allright with Jen’s mom?
TB: Oh. We should ask, huh?

Then, there was this:
(cell phone rings)
Papa: So. Are those YOUR teenagers walking around town in the dark?
Me: Uh, no….
Me: Because MY teenagers know better.
Papa: HA! ANd where are they?
Me: The Boy is at a girl’s house….
Me: …. And the girl is headed to the dance with the Twins. Walking, yes, but not in town.
Papa: And where is your OTHER CHILD.
Me: SIGH. With me.
Papa: WHERE.
Me: At the store, we’re checking out.
Nana: Good, are you coming to dinner?
Me: Are you paying?
Papa: NO – but I’ll go dutch.
Nana: Yes.
Me: Meetcha there!

And then – there was THIS. I told the above story about the boy and his going to Jen’s house, and Mom and I agreed the the most awesome part of the story was the El Camino – because HOW COOL IS THAT? And we have THIS:

The Pup: What’s an elcamino?
Me: it’s an awesome car.
Nana: It’s part car, part truck!
Pup: oooooooooh.
Nana: And it’s a stickshift. And when your riding in one with two boys, you have to sit in the middle, and straddle the hump.
Me: …….
Nana: Uh. I’m not saying how I know this.
Papa and me: ……
Nana: (looks at Papa, grins) Don’t worry! We weren’t dating then.
Me: hahahah!
Nana: …. We were married.

My family? Is MOST awesome. Like there was ANY doubt, whatsoever…

And now, i just have to convince the boy, that when he goes to a girls house, and said girl JUMPS UP AND SQUEELS “YAY! Sean’s here TOO!” that it is a GOOD thing and she LIKES YOU you IIJIT so ASK her to a DANCE or something already! Because I like the girl. She’s a good girl!

Oh, and? If you’re family isn’t as awesome as mine (awww!) Then maybe this’ll come in handy! Hahahah.

And with that – I close NaBloPoMo with an extra post. Tada!

ETA: Wait – I was confused on the relationships at the house where the boy was! It’s like THIS:
Zach (Who wasn’t there, he was at work) dated Jen, who’s older sister is .Cindy. who was dating Steele. Steele’s older sister is Miranda, who is dating Garret, who is the one who asked Sean over to the house (Jen and .Cindy’s) to help with the movie making project. Currently, no one is dating Jen or .Cindy. but they went over to their house anyway because their parents are the “cool” parents.

When I protested that _I_ was TOO cool, he said yes, but the other kids just didn’t know me well enough to put me in that category, and our house was probably not big enough for all the kids. But I was indeed the coolest of them all, now can we stop by the store so I can get some soda please, mom?

– which, of course, I did so he could. Cuz I am a softy…

…and also, cool.

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