LEAVE it to MY kids…

Posted by Lessa on December 1, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

30 days. I had 30 days of posts to do for NaBloPoMo. A few of those days it was like pulling teeth to get an entry out, but I did it. I got them all done. There was the talk of the trip, some local flavah, some kids, some cats, some dog, so on and so forth.  Now, it would have been NICE of the kids to create more drama, more fodder for my blog instead of deciding to use November to take a break and not really do anything to make me go “I GOTTA BLAWG THAT!”

Until just MINUTES after midnight, on December first.

I went and picked up the boy across town, and when we got back, he bribed the girls with soda, and asked them to make him some oven fies. They agreed to the terms of the deal and all seemed well. Then we started to smell smoke. Then the girl said “MOM! LOOK!” and pointed to the dining room, where smoke was ROLLING out of the kitchen. So I jumped up and ran to the kitchen, where said smoke was pouring from the oven. It took me less then 0.1234e52 seconds to figure it out.

“Um, Mairiah? Did you take the pizza box out of the oven before you turned it on?”

fire.gifI, of course, already knew the answer. So, I opened the oven, to see if I could pull the box out and get it to the sink, but while I turned to grab a hotpad – we got flames. Flames like SIMS 2 flames! (like the picture, only in the oven, not on the stove top.) Now, I could have stood there going AAAAAHHH! like the Sims do, but I iz much smarter then a SIM, and instead I turned, flipped on the water in the sink, grabbed the closest dish, filled it, turned and threw the water onto the pizza box. Then i did it again. And then a third time, and THEN! We had just smoke, and a bit of smoulder, but no more flames!

That was when I, a good blogger (but not the BEST blogger, because the BEST would have totally gotten a picture of the flames themselves and all I have is a SIMulation) told the kids to open the windows and doors and oh yeah, GIVE ME MY CAMERA too!

So, my three faithful readers, I give you the proof. Where there is smoke….


(Please note the open door – that’s AFTER it’d been open for a few minutes…)

There most certainly was fire.


And, to prove how good I am? I managed to douse those flames with water, and NOT douse the pilot light. I am SO good. Now if I could just get rid of the cooked cardboard smell….


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