
Posted by Lessa on December 7, 2007 in this-n-that |

So….its time to get paid for 451 again, and I think this time I will indeed break that $100 mark! Whoo!


johnnyI’m trying to limit my forums viewing at a certain workplace of mine, because the whole lot of them remind me a lot of the picture there on the left.

Do you know who that is?

Come on….

Don’t you know our 80s movies?

No? Buncha philistines, the lot of you.

Fine – Here’s a hint… “I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS!” If that don’t work I may have to break up with you.

Yup, they’re bulldogs with a bone often times and need to RELAX and just LET IT GO already. Because good god, they make me want to SHAKE THEM. It’s no shock I’ve stopped posting for the most part. heh.


Someone at my other OTHER job has rather pissed me off. In fact, I haven’t written about it because I was so irritated by it all. Heh. But, you know, that’s how it goes. If my sleeping between 8am and noon is SUCH a problem, then I think I’ve offended by people who sleep between 10pm and 6am. In fact, that they must insist on telling me that they’re sleeping at 2am like ‘normal folks’ is really awfully negative, and I would really rather them not tell me that any longer. Keep those negative thoughts to yourselves. I don’t need them. (SNERK!)


The boy – he’s growing up so fast, but also? He makes me laugh. He also, sometimes, does something to remind me he’s still my baby, and? that he’s ADORABLE and mah pwecious babee boy…. Observe:


You see? He was so tired when he came home from school the other day, he fell asleep on the couch like that, even sucking his fingers like he used to do as a baby. All together now… AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! SO CUTE!


Then, of course, he reverts to ALL TEENAGE BOY when a commercial for the Fredericks of Hollywood comes on. It’s their Pajama Sale, and there’s all sorts of cute girls lounging about in short shorts and nighties and such. I had to break his widdle heart – “No, son, the Jammies don’t come with Girls Included…” This was his reply…



Some people’s kids…. *g*


In other news – send all the warm thoughts and good tidings you can spare towards my family next week. It’s not my story to tell, so just do me a favor and think good thunks for us, ok? It’s most appreciated.


Back to the boy – He’s inherited the joy of my snark, and when he heard me make a comment on the phone about liking my parts just where they are popped off with this: “What, hanging twice as low as they should be?”

I think he’s enjoying the body cast. And the rest of us will be enjoying his Christmas gifts. But hey – that means the score is now:

Snarky Boy: 1
Snarky Mom: 32921931820192731254450649552834

I’d better be careful – he’s catching up!


  • Ladybug says:

    No wnow snarkey mom. he has more than 10 on you ….. I can count them. 😉 Mine you may tell. me!

  • mama says:

    hahahhahahahhaha – he’s such a punny, funny, boyohboyohboyo, isn’t he? Comes by it pretty darned honestly, too! heh
    Off to tell my story in my place – folks may certainly come and read should they care to – and, honeygirl . . . shake it off – don’t sweat the small stuff – because . . . say it with me . . . it’s ALL small stuff.


    and – if the hyperlink doesn’t work well – it’s now in the website link, too.

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