Project Runway: En Garde!

Posted by Lessa on January 17, 2008 in Bravo, Project Runway |

Project Runway

Oh how I adore Project Runway! It never fails to deliver the drama! This week, the designers were greeted by Heidi and a group of oh so fabulous models with wild ass hair. They were told they’re to make an avent garde look that is based on their model’s hair – it doesn’t have to be practical, or even generally wearable. They choose models and two girls who’s names I can’t be arsed enough to remember are auf’d by Heidi and it’s off to the workroom for details. $300 dollars per team, and two days.

They have to work in teams – and are divided up by random drawing of the buttons: Chris and Christian, Victoria and Jillian, Rami and Sweet Cans P, and Ricki and Kit. Some look excited by this, others – not so much. So they choose their model, designs and run off to Parsons for fabric, then back to work once again. Most of the teams are working well together – Chris and Christian seem to be a match made in heaven, Victoria and Jillian are cautiously polite and are working well. Ricki and Kit are doing alright – but Rami and Sweet Cans P… oh dear. Rami is a micromanager and won’t give her any space, and at one point Sweet Cans P is actually worried that they might come to blows.

Day two – Surprise! Why are they surprised by this? They were too comfortable, so of COURSE there’s going to be a wrench thrown in! the surprise makes ALL of the Designers panic – there’s going to be a second look! They now have to add a ‘day’ look to their avant garde look as a companion piece. $50 extra, but no extra time. oh dear! One team member runs off to Mood for fabric and NOW it’s a PR workroom – total panic and pandemonium! Yay! Jillian and Victoria are WAY behind by this little twist, and Jillian is worried because Victoria has immunity.

Chris is feeling good – he wants peoples jaws to drop to the floor and for them to never forget their look. He and Christian are confident, even after talking to Tim who’s not too sure. Tim says that Victoria and Jillian’s look is fantastic – Rami is still micromanaging and reduces Sweet Cans P to tears which makes me want to smack him. He refuses to allow her any imput whatsoever. Tim picks up on it and isn’t convinced their pieces are going to work – it’s the same draping Rami’s done before. He’s also unconvinced by Ricki and Kit’s looks.

Chris and ChristianVictoria and JillianRami and Sweet PRicki and Kit

Runway time! I hate to admit it, but I love the coat Victoria and Jillian made. So does my daughter, who’s eyes light up and she gets all girly and begging “PLEASE MAMA” while I tell her to get a job and buy her own. Because I’m a nice mom, and all. Anyway, comes as no surprise due to lovely Bravo foreshadowing, that Chris and Christian, and Jillian and Victoria are the top scorers. The judges are impressed, and feeling their designs hardcore, though I want to smack Victoria for her smug little ‘we have three looks, so we should win!’ to the judges. (rolls eyes) They then deliver the harsh blows to Ricki and Kit – they’re look wasn’t avantgarde at all, and looked cheap, and Rami and Sweet Cans P – he’s draped before, is there anything else? But Sweet P’s dress is well made. Rami throws Sweet Cans P under the bus, and the Judges are not impressed by that at all.

In the end, however, Chris and Christian come out on top – with Christian winning immunity as team leader. As a special prize, their looks are featured in a Tre Semme ad in Elle Magazine! And because it was her design, and the overall effect was poorly executed, we say goodbye to Kit who doesn’t believe in regret so leaves without any.

Next week? More Drama, of course!

(photos via BravoTv.com)

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  • da mama says:

    hey, lookit you! Miss – I have nothing better to do with my time. hahaha.

    The Home page doesn’t show up right – one too many columns maybe? (like I have any clue!) the RSS feeds boxes overlap the far right column – maybe it’s just me???

    love ya, kiddo!

  • Lessa says:

    Wow. Yeah. Looks like hell in MIE. Back to the drawing board for design, it looks like! *L* Thanks Mama.

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