Celebrity Apprentice, wk 3

Posted by Lessa on January 18, 2008 in NBC |

CelebApprenticeSo, who’s going to get fired tonight, hm? Everyone – or at least my mama – wants to know! I’m sure other folks are watching too – so here we go.

Way to foreshadow, Omorosa! She’s positive that all they need is one win and Hydra will tumble like a house of cards, it’s coming, they’re going down. Anyone else feeling another loss headed her way? (And why wasn’t she fired? Seriously? Dang it. I dislike that woman so.) Anyway, we meet with Trump by the East River for their next task, where the Ferret Headed Trump asks Soprano’s star how many bodies are in there. Haha. So original. Bet he’s never heard that before. Gene Simmons gets his check for his charity from the last win, Pediatric Aids. Trump gives Gene the option to project manager for Empresario and he, of course, takes it. He says he’s the King of All Women.

The task is for Kodak, where they create a mobile printing experience that they might be able to take world wide. They’ll be taking the bus on the road to try it out, and winner takes all, of course.

Gene says it’s a benevolant dictatorship and pisses off Omorosa. yay! Gene doesn’t meet with the execs again, deciding to be Outside the Box. He starts talking to himself, and says it’s all over in 10 minutes because he’s got it. “It’s a Kodak World. Welcome.”

Hydra is smart and meets with the execs and gets a clear picture of what they are selling and what they want. Empresario sent two women to meet with the execs, and Nelly wouldn’t shut up, and they lost the point. She goes back and says the buzz words are affordable, and bringing printing home. (It’s not – as Hydra knows, it’s about the Ink.) and Gene Simmons goes all arrogant and says Kodak doesn’t know what they want, he does. So he pushes his idea, and accepts no input from anyone.

Baldwin goes brainstorming like “a rhino charging with a spear in his butt” according to Peirs. They come up with their concept, and use the fighters, again, so Kodak’s ink knocks you out. Yeaaaaaah. original. Gene has all of the girls doing all the work, as he takes all the credit. He’s arrogant and possitive he’s got it in the bag.

Hydra takes pictures of the boys with their shirts off, resting on the printer. they step off the table, and it tips, and sends coffee into their laptop with all of their 8 hours of artwork making! Piers says “Steven Baldwin managed to give us total disaster in the face of certain victory.”

Trace Atkins is all “Just Calm down.” in his accent and I love him a little more then I did before (and I love him lots already. Heh) They head to an outside source to get all their graphics redone and made up again.

Omorosa is rather disgusted with Gene’s leadership as self proclaimed King of the Women. He says “God has given them beauty, it would be an insult to hide it. Think of it as doing God’s work.” Gene is certain he’s shocked them with their professionalism and it was Kudos and impressive.

The Kodak Execs are next to be subject to Gene Simmons and Omarosa is hoping the magic of him will pull out a win because people flock to him. I’m sick of listening to him now. Make him shut up.

Tito is hoping that their messiness is overlooked, but the guy who’s looking at it for The Donald thinks it looks like a dumpster and isn’t impressed at all. The men are working it, and it was kind of shaky at the start, but they show people walking off with the printers, and selling them. Alec Baldwin shows up and tells us that no one is as full of crap as Steven so he’s a good sells man. He made it easy and paid $1000 each for a couple printers. Ha! The execs join Hydra and Piers gives it the hardest sell of all time peppered with English Bullshit, so hard even he begins to believe his bullshit. Even without their graphics, they seem to be doing pretty well.

Time for the boardroom!

Gene says he felt exilerated leading the women and that they connected immediately, and Omarosa instantly says the benevolent dictator line and all the guys laugh. The Donald tells him he messed up not meeting the execs, and we get Gene’s talking again. Tito explains what happened and why they were sloppy and the mishap. Jim start talking (that’s the guys name who’s pounding the whole sloppiness business) and says why Hydra was sloppy, they had the product and the message right, and Hyrda won in the eyes of Kodak and Tito gets $20,000 for St. Jude’s Hospital Cancer Research.

The men take off to watch the fireworks and celebrate the 3-0.

Gene is so fucking arrogant. He says he’d say to everyone, Kodak included, that they’re wrong. Omarosa says Gene was never clear on what they were to deliver, and says it was lack of a clear plan. Kodak says they felt no one was listening. Gene goes back to saying the Client was wrong. “I believe we succeeded, and the client didn’t recognize it.” Ivanka told him point blank that he’d never get recognized for that here. Kodak was also upset that Nellie and Carol talked too much instead of listening.

If Gene says “It’s a Kodak world, welcome” one more time I might throw something through my TV screen. Most of the women say they’d fire Gene, Nellie says she’d fire Jenny and shocks everyone because it came out of the blue. Gene is asked who he’s bringing back to the boardroom, and he says one – Omarosa and Donald ties to talk him out of it, so Donald insists he names another person because he’s doing himself a disservice. He decides to bring back Jenny. Jenny? Really? Oh lord. The guys are SHOCKED because he was practically slobbering to fire Jenny and he’s not given the chance.

SimmonsOmarosa tells Donald that it was inappropriate that he’s brought her back, but sort of appropriate for Jenny because she needs to step it up. Donald is “What the hell should I do? You bring back the two people I shouldn’t bring back!” And Gene says he’s a softy. Donald agrees, that he’s independent and will do the opposite of what he asks. Donald asks why he brought people back that he can’t fire? He has no choice. Gene is Fired. Donald says he doesn’t know why he did it, he doesn’t understand, but so long.

Well, at least I won’t have to listen to him say “It’s A Kodak world, welcome.” Anymore. Heh.

Omarosa – hate her I do, but she knows… she murmurs at the end “Man he wants to fire Nelly!”

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