Sarah ain't no Supermodel.

Posted by Lessa on January 18, 2008 in Bravo |


We start off this episode to see who America voted off the show – Sarah, Katie and Dominik are told they were less then memorable. Katie was told she was less then inspiring (she looked stoned in the photo), Dominick is told he complains too much comparing a heavy necklace to a broken foot, and that he has one look. Sarah is told she’s faded into the background, Supermodels don’t fade. Katie is given another chance, as is Dominick. Sarah is told they can’t make her a supermodel and she is going home. Awwwwwww…. She cries, and Dominick gives off a YEAH! cheer, which was a bit poor taste, but whatever. Sarah wishes the good luck though and the judges feel we made the right call. We rock.

Dominick’s boys – the Wolf Pack – is standing behind him. Oy. There’s a bit of testosterone around there. The girls are a little disappointed, and Dominick feels ready to go. Katie promises to make us proud – you go girl.

The models head to Cutler Salon, to be polished -that’s right, it’s makeover time! David looks gleeful to get the boys, as the girls head off with Rodney Cutler for hair styles. Let’s see some ANTM’esque breakdown’s, please? Ahh, Holly gives us at least a hint of meld down – they cut her hair short short – and it’s CUTE! but she don’t feel the sexy. Awww.

OOOOOh the BOYS are brought in for waxing! OUCH. There’s much laughter and Frankie had his nipples done and says “IT HURT SO BAD!” but shows off his hairless chest. The boys are holding hands, and screams and omg it’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in a LONG time on one of these shows. BRILLIANT.

Everyone heads to the next shoot and Jay is “Amazed she was FLYIN in da AIR like SPIDERMAN..” and the photographer gives the instructions and they’ll be doing their shoot in a harness, flying. Everyone’s feeling confident, of course, as they’re strapped into their harnesses.

Jennifer stops in the check out the models as they wait, and tells Holly that she didn’t agree with cutting Holly’s hair. Holly sighs “too late now” but really – this cut is SO much cuter.

Can anyone understand a word Jay says? Just wondering. Mushmouth.

Everyone seems to be doing well, though there’s some pictures stronger then others. The photographer said based on this shoot the best are Ronnie and Jackie and the bottom are Ben Jay and Katie. We’ll have to see if the judges agree.

Time for another runway lesson with Debbie – but they measure them first. Talk about embarrassing. Especially for Ayrn who lost 3 inches in her tits. And yes, they said it like that. And the girl who was bigger due to hormones. Oy! How rude! Thank you for not making us watch more of that. Srsly. Though watching the crushing on Ben is too cute….

Dinner time, and they play a game answering revealing questions from who they think is the weakest link to who do you find the most attractive. There’s more blushing by Ronnie who has a crush on Ben – who tells us “Guess its good the gay guy thinks I’m cute. It’s a compliment I guess. They’re kinda picky, right?” Hahahah!

Time for the runway show for Heatherette. They’re told it’s all about giving the designers what they want – everyone’s excited for the crazy clothes and rock star looks. Love the looks!

They ask Jay how he did and I hardly understand a word he says. Something about being himself. Dominick is told he still needs work on his walk, and he blames the clothes, again. Jackie gets a lot of compliments and she gushes a bit. They make Ronnie blush again. Ben is asked if has what it takes, and is told he needs to step it up. They ask Katie who she thinks should go up for the vote, and she says Dom, Kasey and Aryn. Frankie is complimented for his photoshoot because he was the only one who tilted himself and took advantage.

week2vote.jpgThey deliberate, and then tell Aryn she’s shown the most improvement. Jackie is told she’s consistently great, and brilliant. They’re impressed with Ronnie. Aryn is safe. Ronnie is safe. Which means Jackie is this weeks winner! Jay is shockingly safe, (Dangit) and that leaves Ben, Dominick and Katie as the bottom three.

Who do you want to stay?

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