Nice guys DO finish first!

Posted by Lessa on January 21, 2008 in CBS, The Amazing Race |

TKandRachel_1.jpgThat’s right – TK and Rachel WIN The Amazing Race 12!

This episode/Finale was twice as fun for me to watch for two reasons – one, the whole episode was practically in my back yard, as I’m about 3 hours south of Anchorage. (What – that is TOO my backyard.) And two – I got to watch it with my mom. True, she was in the hospital due to a minor heart attack at the time but she graciously let me watch my show and cheered for my favorite too in between blood draws and bedpans. (I’m kidding about the bedpans. Honest)

THATS how dedicated I am to watching Reality TV for all ya’ll invisible readers out there. (I believe in readers, I BELIEVE in readers!) (Hey, it worked for Tinkerbell and fairies! Don’t mock me!) Actually, Mom had watched last weeks, and was just as interested in who won, so again, total win win situation. Minus the heart attack, of course.

ANYway. I won’t do a full recap because of my local and all, but man did Rachel pull it off for them or what? I had to laugh at Christina’s “Frickin chickens and then it was the fricken bike and what is that fricken POLE?” as she struggled to pull off the puzzle. It was nice to see the three teams appreciate the beauty that is my home state, and my favorites (Aside from my beloved Goth Kids) pull out the win besides.

And yes, that statue really is called the Salmon Hooker. We live in Alaska, we make our own fun!

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