
Posted by Lessa on January 25, 2008 in this-n-that |

My son has friends.
Friends who DRIVE.
Friends who drive CARS.
Friends who drive CARS that were parked in my driveway that I had to call the house and say “get the hell outa my parking spot, boyo!” so that I could pull into my driveway.

That Drive.

A boy who when they asked if they could walk into Holiday I said with a straight face “Why don’t you drive?”

I am not OLD enough for this shit!

So today, I am the cool mom. I can tell this because the Boy has a friend over (the afore mentioned driver of the El Camino in my driveway), and the Girl has THREE friends over, and also I have Buglet too. I went and got junk food to feed them with, thus cementing my “cool mom” status.

I am, however, VERY lucky and grateful because my kids have GREAT friends. The core group of buddies they’ve chosen are all really good kids, and I don’t mind having them hanging around at all.

Even if they’re old enough to drive.
El Caminos.
And park them in my driveway.
Which only reminds me that MY son will be 16 in a few weeks.


1 Comment

  • Ladybug says:

    Hey there. How is the Bugglet… and why are there no danged pictures….? HUN? what is up witht hat. no pictures of the car int he drive way even… what is wrong with you blogger mom? *G*
    K.tellt he girlie I do wnat my pictures of the baby though. 😉

    Nice to hear youa re the cool mom/Auntie. Mine can hang out over there with you than. :)*BEAMS*

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