Reality TV Casting Calls!

Posted by Lessa on January 28, 2008 in Casting Calls |

So, you think you have what it takes to bare your soul to the world on Reality TV, and face all the things (read: ridicule) that comes with it? Here’s some casting information for shows on the horizon:

casting_call.jpgDiscovery Health: National Body Challenge.

It’s Discovery’s answer to The Biggest Loser, done in week long specials, and they’re currently casting for their next couples. The last special showed Twins and their struggle to get down to size. Now they’re looking for people to star in the 2009 National Body Challenge. If you are:

* Mother/Daughter
* Father/Son
* Coworkers
* Or, people who need to lose over 100 pounds

Then they’re looking for you! Each person/team is provided with a professional weight loss program, gym membership and personalized 1on1 instruction with physicians, nutritionists and fitness experts before they share their story with us. See the website to apply!

MOLO_LOgo_5___solo_copy_246x128.jpgThe Mole is back!

Contestants compete in challenges, all the while trying to figure out who, among them, is the Mole – someone there to sabotage their efforts to win money. A game of paranoia and competitiveness at it’s best – can YOU figure out who the Mole is before the contestants do? Each episode sees the contestants deciding who they think the Mole is (Often changing many times during the show – and sometimes during the episode!) and learning as much as possible about that person. They are tested on their knowledge at the end of the episode, and the person who knows the least about The Mole is eliminated until the finale where the Mole is revealed and the Winner gets a bunch’o’cash. Check out the site to apply!

AGT.jpgAmerica’s Got Talent – back for round Three!

That’s right, everyone’s favorite asshole, Piers Morgan and his crew of judges will be on hand to decide if American’s have a marketable talent. That’s the key there, kids – Piers is all about the marketing! But – anyone with any talent can apply for this old time smorgasboard of wacky and legit talented people. You can pre-register here, and then show up at the following two open calls.

Wednesday, January 30
Doubletree Hotel
315 4th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37219

Saturday, February 2
The Blake Hotel
555 S McDowell St
Charlotte, NC 28204

More to be announced soon!

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