My son’s friends…

Posted by Lessa on February 7, 2008 in family |

So. Nana and I got our prize box from Adri over at Darkside Rainbow for the comment contest he had a while back. I won the coffee mug for being comment number 101, and Nana, she snuck in for the grand prize and won a t-shirt, clock and teddybear with comment 500! She decided to let me have the clock and t-shirt, and will keep the teddybear.

So I was wearing my shirt…:

365_036: new Toys

And my son read it… slowly… and then was like MOM! You’re not gonna wear that! And I was like yup! When do your friends get here again? And he was all “That’ll just make you even more the coolest mom ever to them!” Which made me laugh. SO! Said friends? Are here tonight. Two of them anyway. One of the boys, Z, turned around, read my shirt, and then laughed so hard he choked. S wasn’t far behind. I was pleased with the effect it had on them. The boy – properly mortified.

Then they went to get some food at the store. They come home and I asked what they got me? And they said…

“We wanted to get you one of those giant pickles in the bag.”

I was like “….ok, but I don’t eat Pi…”

They jumped in.. “NOT to EAT… to Match your SHIRT!”

And I lost it – laughing so hard it was my turn to almost choke. Man, I love my son’s friends. *Cracking UP*


In other news – Nana, she was a little bit embarrassed that I put that sickeningly sweet story up about her and Papa… (So she says – we all know she loved it. *grin*) so in order to help her regain her confidence, I give you this – Nana at her finest…

(If you don’t see me for a while – is cuz Nana hurted me. Hahahah!)


  • nana says:

    you know . . . JUST when I am trying to make people believe I am so staid and refined and all that you write stuff like “mouth agape” or post videos of me showing the grands how to burp (BELCH) on command. Sigh – no rest for the truly good (smirk)

  • Lessa says:

    You can’t have it both ways! Wait till I tell you what your granddaughter told Mrs. W today….

  • Ren says:

    *peels of laughter ring out from a little corner of Australia*

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