A milestone…

Posted by Lessa on April 26, 2008 in this-n-that |

4_26Firstday.jpgYup, another milestone has been achieved in the Lessa Household. Today, my baby, my 16 year old son (what? He’s still my baby!) officially joined the work force. He tried to skip out on a picture, but I was too fast for him. He was SO NERVOUS. And so adorable. On Sunday, I coached him through his call to return the message asking him for an interview. I even wrote a script. Then on the day of his interview, he asked that I walk in with him – I did, and then sat in the dining room waiting for him to finish up. Then the day of his orientation, I walked him in again, then left to do some errands. Then today – I made him walk in all by his lonesome. It took a lot for him to get out of the car – he was quite nervous. But yes, click the picture to bigafy, and see the newest local McDonalds worker…

…the twins just called, and apparently they have him on the front counter, learning the register! They’re gonna get that boy to speak up yet!

In other news: The pup is cute while awake too.


And we woke up this morning to this:


Which is not so cute, or amusing. So I decided I was going to pretend it was yesteryear, and use Pioneer Woman’s Actions again, and do my best to forget this picture was taken this morning. Just a few short days before May.


It’s working – as long as I don’t look outside… heh.


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