To answer Nana’s question…

Posted by Lessa on April 29, 2008 in this-n-that |

She asked how the first day went – it went well. The second day saw me getting a text message on his break…

“Dishes suck.”

Welcome to the working world, my darlin’ boy! He also has discovered that he intensely dislikes one of the managers, which I told him he’d simply have to get used too. It’s good for him to learn to deal with a variety of people and there is no better place to learn those type of skills then slinging fries at a fast food joint. I honestly credit my years there for making me the person I am today – with the strength to stand up for what I believe in despite the possible cost, as well as for giving me the means with which to deal with people en general. Especially as I generally dislike most folks. Heh. Ya gotta learn to put those kinds of things aside to work together and it’s a hugely important lesson to learn. Kudo’s for him having to start that on his second day of work – though the boy, he’d beg to differ and say its not at ALL worth it.

He’ll learn. *g*

The girls are almost done filming their little movie – they’re editing at the school right now, and will film the final scene here in a little while. Thus, the days of Irish pirate queens and English Lords battling it out in my back yard will come to an end. But the pup – she’ll wear her costume forever…

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