
Posted by Lessa on May 7, 2008 in this-n-that |

In the “I’m not old enough for this” file…

..Guess who has suddenly decided work isn’t so horrible a thing after all?

First Pay Check

Since his one day of work on his first paycheck he got today got him $60 bucks, he’s suddenly a-ok with the whole concept of dishes and mopping… I took him into my bank, got him set up with his own account, bank card, savings account all rolled into one, and talked to him about how we were going to start saving for the big stuff with his next check.

First case from first pay from first bank account...

Then, he treated me to some french fries. Awww. I’m still not old enough for this…

Though on the other hand, with him wanting to finish fixing his car, get his license, and with gas prices at $4.14 a gallon today… HURRAY! HE HAS A JOB!

When he came home from work last night, I discovered he had been taught the drive-thru window, which amused me because that was MY spot for all the years I worked there. I could walk in that store today and still rock the DT Handout window like nobody’s business. Some things, you never forget. He’s becoming more comfortable there, with the job and the folks he is working with, and it’s a joy to see his confidence bloom every day.

Though I’m not above making him blush at the bank. When I told the teller my name would be on the account too, he asked why, and I said in case I need to access the account. He asked why again, and I arched a brow. “Oh, I dunno. Your insurance, car parts,” pause… “…bail money…”

He blushed, then nodded. “You raise a good point, mom.”

Get used to it kid – I got a lot of good points stored up.

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