So this, this is what 9 looks like…

Posted by Lessa on May 18, 2008 in this-n-that |


Nine is all knees and elbows and energy.
Nine is blurry pictures because she won’t! stand! still!
Nine is all mouth and sass with a healthy dose of snark on the side.
Nine is smiles and witty retorts, and quiet questions.
Nine is also a lot of LOUD QUESTIONS.
Nine is scraped knees under pretty dresses
Nine is dirty hands and unbrushed, wild hair.
Nine is laughter, and tears – at the same time.
Nine is just a taste of the beauty still to come.

Nine is how many years since I had her, how many years I’ve loved her, how many years she’s blessed my life with trials and tribulations and laughter and joy.

Nine? Is beautiful.

Happy Birthday, Pup! Mama loves you more then you’ll ever understand – until you have your own Nine.

5-18 with Papa This morning, The Pup left bright and early to spend the day with Papa. She was chosen by her school to participate in today’s Fish and Wildlife sponsored day of fishing out at a local lake, and she asked Papa if he’d go with her. Which means _I_ didn’t have to go! Hurray! (Lessa doesn’t do fishing, not if she can help it!) Papa was thrilled to be able to participate, because he and the Pup get into loads of trouble together. I mean, they have a perfectly lovely and well behaved time. (…snort.) So she was off bright and early and both stuck their tongue out at me for the picture – though Papa relented and smiled instead just as the shutter clicked.

They better clean whatever they catch BEFORE it makes it home. That’s all I’m saying. (grin)


5-18_Birthday Bubbles She caught several fish, but they were too small and they threw them back. Hurray!

Even though her birthday party isn’t until next week, she got a couple gifts today on her actual birthday. She got her new swimsuit, because she has a swimming field trip at school tomorrow. I can’t believe it FITS. When I ordered it, and it came in the mail, I thought sure it would be too big because she has no hips. (Would that I had such a problem…) It fits perfectly though, so I’m torn between the “Whew! It fits! No need for safety pins!” and the “OMG she wears THAT size already? What happened to my BABY?” modes of thinking. Heh.

5-18_Birthday Bubbles

Her brother and sister got (via me) her a big ole bottle of bubbles and a new bubble wand set. That and a sister to play in the bubbles with, plus a bike ride to McD’s for ice cream with her siblings = VERY Happy Birthday Girl.

5-18_Birthday Bubbles


  • nana says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PUP!!!! Who loves ya, baby?

  • Ladybug says:

    HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!!!!!!! you need to come talk to me about your cake. I have a few ideas for you my dear. ideas you might like. πŸ˜‰
    Love you

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