Tips for Prosperity!

Posted by Lessa on May 19, 2008 in this-n-that |

So, remember that book I was given a while back? Yeah? Well!

It’s all common sense, things folks know if they think about it, and just generally boring – and I slogged through it the best I could. Then – much to my eternal amusement, out of nowhere was this little gem hidden in the "Things to avoid" chapter:


Apparently, among co-signing for people, and a dull marriage, PORN will keep you from prosperity.

I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how much I’ve laughed over this. Now, all of my daily planning pages proudly exclaim "And! I SAW NO PORN! WHOO!"

Except for the days when, you know, I do. *grin*

(even funnier? The book is written by a guy named "Beavis." and he says NO to porn. BWAHAHAHAHAH!)

(I know. I’m awful. But I’m FUN!)

1 Comment

  • TBF says:

    You know…. I can name several people for which porn has been extremely prosperous *LOL*

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