Love on the Ranch

Posted by Lessa on June 3, 2008 in rd, The Bachelorette |

It’s a night of cowboys and Ellen, and switching houses. Two of the three guys living with DeAnna at the house are send back to the ‘outhouse’. Jeremy go a single rose for the second time, and stayed at the penthouse, and was joined by Paul and Graham.

The first One on One date tonight went to Richard, where they have dinner on a rooftop and a carriage ride. He leans in for the kiss, feeling chemistry where, unfortunately, there as non. DeAnna stopped the ride right then, and tells him so, and he leaves the show right then. The boys are shocked when his bags are suddenly carried out.

The group date is a Camp Fire hoedown. Yeeehaw! Everyone, except for Jason, were invited and there was dancing lessons, mechanical bull riding and a campfire cookout. Male Egos get a jump start and Ron and Jeremy get into it a bit and Robert gets snippy and says if he gets no one on one time he may as well go. When he opens up to DeAnna about it afterwards, she gives him a single rose too. Aww. Suckah.

The next one on one is with Jason, which explains why he wasn’t at the group date. They head to the observatory via helicopter and during dinner he finally tells her that he has a 3 year old son. They bond over family tragedies and he ends up with the second single rose before elimination. They kissed and it’s clear they’re all ga-ga over each other.

Next up – Field trip to the Ellen show! Ellen helps DeAnna pick who to give the third single rose to via a dance contest, questions and de-pantsing to see who looks the best in Ellen Boxers. Ellen decides the rose should go to Fred, because he’s funny.

At the cocktail party that night, the boys are getting nervous as DeAnna admits that she’s intrigued by Ron, but was grateful to be rescued by Jeremy. Some more chitchat, then it’s the rose ceremony, and Twilly, Jesse, Jeremy, Brian, Graham and Sean get the roses, sending Ron and Paul packing. Ron gets snotty in his exit interview, and says that he feels a match with Jeremy is doomed to failure, and Paul was simply upset and didn’t understand why DeAnna could not like him like he does her. Ha.

Fireworks next week as DeAnna yells at them all and tels them if they can’t handle it, go home. Nice. Love songs, race cars, and a private concert are in the works too.

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