The Mole: premiere

Posted by Lessa on June 3, 2008 in rd, The Mole |

The Mole premiered tonight with all it’s moley and overly dramatic glory. Where do they find the hosts for these things? Jon Kelly is so… serious. And takes himself so seriously too. Heh.

So all 12 meet each other and hobnob in Los Angeles, Chile a bit, just long enough to decide who they think is the Mole on first impressions. The one with the most votes is Marci, and so she doesn’t have to do the challenge, but gets to make all the decisions for the group for 24 hours – first up, she decides who is jumping for money, and who is jumping for paper.

The challenge has each contestant riding a raft to the edge of the waterfall, and jumping for a bag hanging there. They are caught by the safety line, of course, and they don’t know who Marci decided would be jumping for money or paper. Alex misses, Ali misses, Clay succeeds as Marci is bothered because she’s isolated and doesn’t get to participate. Boby misses, Liz succeeds, Paul misses, Victoria misses, Craig almost chokes himself on the rope and misses, Nicole succeeds, Mark succeeds. Nicole, Kristen, Bobby, and Liz all have paper, with Mark and Clay putting the first $20k into the pot.

They get their journals to write down their observations to help catch the Mole, and then Marcie picks Nicole, Liz, Craig and Bobby to sleep outside. Nicole complains loudly and colorfully and decides not to sleep at all, so that she can bend the rules and not have to sleep outside. Snerk.

Coalitions start to form, already, and they head to the beach for the next challenge. Nicole becomes Dr. Whiner as everyone complains about her attitude, and as such she decides who does what in the challenge, and sits it out and relaxes. They have 6 scavengers, 4 appraisers and 2 time keepers. The scavengers are sent to find items that Robinson Crusoe might have had with him on the island when he was marooned. They are to find 5 items, they only have 3 chances, and each correct item is worth $5k. The timekeepers have to run up and down stairs to keep the sand flowing through the ‘hourglass’ that only holds about 10 minutes.

They end up with only 3 items correct, for $15k to add to the pot, bringing it to a total of $35k. The players aren’t too stoked about having such a small pot so far, but what can they do? They can enjoy Dr. Whiner being stuck on the beach alone overnight – and they do enjoy the night without Nicole’s complaining.

Quiz time! The questions are:

Is the Mole male or female?
When did they jump over the falls?
During the Crusoe mission which group was the mole assigned to?
On the first night where did the Mole sleep?
Does the Mole have an even or odd number of letters in their name?
What is their age?
What was the outcome of their jump over the falls?
Did the Mole drive a van to the beach?
At the start of the Crusoe mission was the Mole wearing a hat?
Who is the Mole?

Nicole, for all her whining, is still at the beach and is told via TV that she is exempt since she’s not there to take the test. In the end, the lowest score on the quiz results in execution – and Marcie, the one most of them thought was the Mole at the beginning, is cut loose.

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