Bye-bye Johnson and Oakleaf!

Posted by Lessa on June 8, 2008 in Can You Duet, CMT |

This week on Can You Duet! we went from five duos down to the final four.

My adored country rockers had to wait till the end of the show to see if they made it as the harmonies were a little off, despite Caitlin and Will rocking the stage like always. Will even ditched his trademark do rag to hold back his hair and looked mighty fine up there on stage.

Joey and Rory, Naomi’s darlings, had them all in the palm of their hand – making me wonder why they just don’t stop kissing their ass and give them the prize already.

I’m all for authentic old time sound, but come on, it’s 2008! Gimme that Country Rocker Spirit!

The Cappolas finally broke through the wall with Naomi after commenting backstage that it’d be easy to like her if she didn’t hate them so much. Ha! Ms. Judd finally felt some connection and openness from the pair and praised them for it, as did Amy. They still had to wait though, as they only got two of the three judges to commit to their moving on.

Brownell and Richie also did well, and were rewarded with another week to compete, as they grow more and more confident on stage and with their presence, and as such, we say goodbye to Johnson and Oakleaf who will have to come to terms with their fifth place finish. They were a duo put together by the judges during auditions, but they couldn’t quite pull it together enough to win in the end, though the judges did encourage them to keep practicing, stay together and keep trying, that they’d do well eventually. Just not now. Awww.

So it’s down to the final four – Caitlin and Will, Joey and Rory, The Capollas, and Brownell and Richie. You all know who I’m pulling for, but who do YOU like?

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