Update: Desperate Wars.

Posted by Lessa on June 10, 2008 in this-n-that |

Further investigation today has denials, as expected. But what REALLY amuses me is where the blame was cast.

On the City Mayor.


I have to admit that part of me? REALLY HOPES THIS IS TRUE… because that means I told whoever called to tell ‘her’ (and our mayor is conveniently female to boot) to “suck my ASS. She’s lucky I don’t dump all my shit on HER lawn!” In fact, the thought of that message being passed to the Mayor verbatim makes me all tingly in naughty places. *smirk*

I think it’s awfully convenient that the Mayor was seen driving by and thus must have made the complaint, but well, the only one who knows for sure is the person responsible. Guess I’ll just have to invite Ms. Porter over to the yard party after the Painting happens… just to make sure all the people involved get the full benefit of DayGlo goodness.

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  • soooooo I’m thinking – rather than send my missive to the newspaper, maybe I should attend a city council meeting and read it into the record?

    and, btw, they have a position open on planning & zoning commission. hahahahaha – THAT would larn her! You could get in there and change a bunch of stuff that says it is OKAY for us to have junk cars on our property and NO WAY IN THE WORLD can they put cell towers right next to the road – in my backyard!!!


  • Sara says:

    If I were close enough I would so be there to help the painting move along.

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