The Mole: Soccar and wheelbarrows!

Posted by Lessa on June 12, 2008 in rd, The Mole |

I finally got the chance to sit down and watch this weeks episode of The Mole all the way through. I don’t know – the whole show just doesn’t speak to my Reality loving heart like most of the other’s do, but I’ll keep plugging away at it because I LIKE YOU. Yes, you. And you. But you over there in the corner? Well, ok, maybe you too. ANYWAY.

This week, the remaining 11 contestants gather with Jon Kelly at the bottom of a huge hill that makes me a little seasick looking at – Heights and me, we don’t so much get along, right? The players are split into two groups according to their outlook on life. Goal oriented folks, nine of them, are one team, while the two who think life is an uphill battle to be fought are the other team. Mark and Kristen are the uphill fighters and have to ride a bicycle built for two to the top of the hill. The others get to take a gondola ride (…omg do you know how much those SWING on the little CABLES that are all that’s between you and CERTAIN DEATH? I mean….) to the top after they score a goal in a soccer game against Chilean team. If Mark and Kristin get to the top first? No money in the pot. If the 9 soccer players make it first, they get to add $35k. It’s looking good for the 9 soccer players, right? Looks can be deceiving, as we all know.

Mark and Kristan take off, but the chain keeps falling off the bike. The soccer players think they have this in the bag when they find they’re competing against a children’s soccer team – until they start kicking their ass, and I start laughing at how shocked they are that they can’t compete with the kiddos. Hahaha! It takes them like 20 minutes to score a goal, and they had to do it on a penalty kick! Ali makes the score for them and they get their tickets, but have to search out the ride and they start bickering like… well, kids. Meanwhile, Mark and Kristen are running and pushing the bike instead of riding it. Halfway there, they get he chance of losing $5k and taking a cab the rest of the way, but Mark goes bitchy competitive and they continue to run. Maybe running up huge ass hills makes him cranky – it would make ME cranky, so yeah. In the end, though, his bitchy pushing gets them to the top first, and they are also exempt from the upcoming execution.

Enter paranoia, as everyone kinda gangs up on Bobby who says he just isn’t an athlete – my favorite line was something along the lines of ‘he’s either the perfect mole, or the worst player in history.’ because he sucks THAT badly. In fact, the next challenge, he sucked even MORE and ended up letting a GIRL push him in a wheelbarrow. Now that’s sexay. *snort*

Anyway – the group heads to a pig farm, and they have to find 50 piggy banks scattered around town. They return to the farm and slingshot them over into the field where Liz and Paul have to catch them in a blanket. Pigs in a Blanket. heh. Each pick that lands without breaking gets $1000 into the pot. Bobby gets winded and really – it would be WAY to obvious for him to be the mole, so could it be true he’s like the worst wussy girlyman ever seen on a competition?! Paul becomes convinced the pig they’re holding has something good in it, breaks it and finds the third exemption. Liz is annoyed.

The pig tossing commences and Alex goes all macho, until Craig steps in and takes over and they send pigs flying ending up with Paul and Liz catching 28 pigs. The pot now stands at $68k and no one is surprised that Bobby’s team didn’t bring back a single pig to toss. heh. Then Bobby discovers Alex’s journal just lying around, and figure it was a really stupid move. What they don’t know is that he did it on purpose to rouse suspicion. They take the quiz, and Liz is executed for not knowing enough about the mole.

After she leaves, they continue to pick on Bobby, with Paul leading the charge and Nicole tells Paul she could kill him in his sleep without leaving evidence. Nice. Next week – will Paul wake up safely? And is it way to obvious for Bobby to be the mole? Or does he really just suck THAT badly?

Time will tell.

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