Wait… she said what?!

Posted by Lessa on June 17, 2008 in family, I AM NOT READY! |

So, remember, back in like May of last year, May 27th to be exact, I said I’d seen a glimpse of the future and it skeered me? No? Here’s a reminder:


Yeah, THAT future. Well. The Girls BFF M. is here spending the night, and when the boys (The Boy and Z) got here, they came running out to tell The Boy the following:

M: OMG! SO! REMEMBER! When we came to McD’s after my dance recital? And you was there in the window? And so was G? And you handed out our order? GUESS WHAT MY MOM SAID! She said THIS and I swear I’m totally not lying – you Smiled? And she was all “You can totally date him, you know.” And I was like WHAT? you KNOW who that is, right? And she was all “Of course I know, it’s The Girl’s older brother!” and I was like HE’S TWO YEARS OLDER THEN ME! and she was all “I know that. It’s ok.” even though she said I couldn’t date till I was like 67 and stuff, but she was all “The Boy! He’s cute! Look at that smile!” And I was like OMG!

Yes, yes it was said all in one breath. Thanks for noticing. The boy was like uh, ok. And Z and I were like NEXT YEAR’S PROM DATE! WHOOO! and of course teased them both relentlessly. Which they took good-naturedly while praying we’d forget all about it and move on to some other topic of conversation because OMG MOM. Z wasn’t helping much when he declared “WE CANNOT GO TO SLEEP until you ASK HER OUT so do it already I’m TIRED!” which was pretty much awesome and sealed him as my favorite boy of the day. (Until he bit me. But that’s another story!)

ANYWAY. So we continued laughing and joking and generally being teenagers (…shut up. I am too a teenager – at heart.) and the next thing I know? And I wish I could have caught it on camera, but they ducked. *mutter* ANYWAY. The next thing I know? The boy is hand-feeding her bites of PIZZA. (If you know the boy and his pizza and you’ll realize…) and then? He was playing with her cell phone. and THEN? He all smoothly says “I don’t have your cell number on my phone…” and she gave it to him while the rest of us resumed our teasing. Heh. Because we’re subtle like that.

When I left the room to get ready for bed, he was sitting on the floor at her feet, his head resting on her foot – until they went their separate ways – the boys to the manspace to sleep, the girls to The Girl’s room to do the same.


And also? Gee thanks, M’s mom! *L* Good thing I like the kid, huh?



  • nana says:

    breathe in, breathe out . . .
    you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO deserve ALL of the non-sleep you’ll be getting over the next little while – until they get tired of it – or move on – or do whatever kids their age do . . . WAIT!!!!! Her mother is letting her DATE?!!! She’s like, what? THIRTEEN?!!!



  • Ladybug says:

    wait a min. *thinks*…. My time is comign Ibetter stop laughing. I so wish I wouldhave kicked everyone off the puter to look at this last night …. Now she is gone from MY house and I can’t tease her anymore…..
    *Runs to the phone* Must call and tell her I need her to babysit with the girl again today.

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