Celebrity Circus – wk 2!

Posted by Lessa on June 19, 2008 in Celebrity Circus, NBC |

It’s the flash and lights and fabulously D-listed stars out and about with Joey Fatone once more for this week’s Celebrity Circus! Can you stand the excitement? Can you?! I know, me either.

First up, an elimination! Now that’s the way to start a show, axing one of the celebrities. Is it gonna be Diva Blu Catrelle? Please? The first three stars that are safe (Cue spooky music and lighting, of course) Stacy Dash (For those that don’t know – she’s most known for being in Clueless.), Antonio Sabato, Jr (who is, of course, shirtless…), Janet Evans (And her incredible 87pack abs).

Damn. I lied. The safe three will perform before any elimination. Sigh. Oh well, here we go!

Stacy is up first and is doing the Cerseau and she’s telling us she’s obsessed with doing it perfectly and keeping the lead. On the plus side, she looks STUNNING. She performs an energetic and fast graceful routine to the judges praise – scoring 9’s from all judges.

Antonio Sabato Jr. is doing a hand balancing routine, one of the most difficult acts in the circus. There’s a lot of giggling going on between him and his partner, though they’re doing their best to learn the routine. And I don’t even have to say how gorgeous he looks, right? Right. He did extremely well, and the judges, again, were nothing but praise, getting a 8 from all the judges, keeping him in 2nd place so far.

Janet Evens takes on the Flying Silks, and she is struggling to find her sexy side as they create a love story why flying and doing tricks – but she has problems pretending to love her partner that isn’t her husband. She pulls it together, and while it as a little uneasy here and there, she did pretty well, and the judges bought the story – but she forgot some technical parts in concentrating on the grace and fluidity according to the judges. She scores an average 7.3.

Back to ‘who’s safe’ – cue lighting! Christopher Knight is safe, as is WeeMan, and Rachael Hunger and Blu Cantrell are in the bottom two.

Christopher Knight is going to be a FIRE CLOWN! As he said “First I break my arm, then I hit the platform, what can they do next? Oh, LIGHT ME ON FIRE. Great.” Hahah! He’s a bit eager to do it all, and they’re worried about safety. He doesn’t go up in flames except on purpose, Joey called it hot (ha!) the judges were entertained and he earns a score of 7.

WeeMan is performing the German Wheel, what Christopher Knight broke his arm on. They had to make one of his own, of course, and he’s paired with Vlad who’s huge! Hah! They have to work to stay in synch, which is difficult because of the size difference. WeeMan is confident, though. Big surprise. He messes up a couple times, and the judges call him lazy and say he needs to put more work in then he did. He says it was a choreographed act and he can coin spin anytime – they demand he do it, so he does – and rocks it! Now the judges are impressed – but say he should have done that the first time around instead of blowing it. His scores are a disappointing 4.7.

FINALLY – the elimination. Good lord. Unsurprisingly, Blu Cantrell is ousted, leaving Rachael Hunter as our last performer of the night. But she can’t leave without being pissy, and challenges Aurelia to sing her songs and she’d totally win, while doing Aurelia’s tricks too. Bye Bye Diva! Sheesh what a bitch! Let it go, darlin, let it go. Clearly WE thought you were being too Diva too!)

Rachael Hunter performs in the Blue Hammock – which she says makes her look like a blue sausage because she’s so tall, just before she falls. They create a new hammock with silks, specially for her. They’re panicking as they’re making it up as they goes along. She rocks it though – and aside from a couple bobbles, she really did well, and all the judges are pleased with her performance and give her a score of 7.3.

Tune in next week to see who goes home next!

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