GASP! What’s this?

Posted by Lessa on June 19, 2008 in this-n-that |

Could it be? IT IS! There seems to be a stain marring the perfection of Our Brie’s Perfect Lawn. See?


Can’t quite make it out? Look along the edges there, along the street where technically it’s not her lawn anyway, but Our Brie, she does love to encroach – even on the city. Here, I’ll circle it for you…


THERE. NOW you see it! DANDELIONS! Not just one, but TWO of them! I know for a fact that Our Brie? She HATES Dandelions! She has spent YEARS battling the pretty little weeds flowers. So the question is, HOW on earth did some of them manage to take seed along the edges of her perfection, beginning what is sure to be the battle of the summer?

I have NO idea how that might have happened. None. Honest.





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