
Posted by Lessa on July 1, 2008 in family |

Today was the day. She’d been WAITING and WAITING and OMG MOM ISN’T IT TIME YET because she’s been waiting FOREVER. Yes, today was the pup’s very first swimming lesson. She has always loved the water – all my kids do, they get it from their daddy and auntie, and nana and papa – and she’s been oh so greenly jealous of Auntie’s kiddos who got to be on a swimteam last year. Of course, she didn’t tell me that’s what she wanted to do until the season was almost over and the lil ladybug made the team, but whatever.

So I told her I needed a break from Little League anyway, so we’d skip this year and she could take swimming lessons all summer instead, and then if she still wanted to be on the team she could try out and we’d do swimming. I haven’t been a swim mom since her Auntie was in highschool and Nana and I went to every meet – so did the Boy, but he was too little to remember it. *g*

I reminded her last night that she’d have to go to bed at a reasonable hour so that she could get up early for class. Yes, I’m so into allowing my kids to do what they desire most that I was going to GET UP BEFORE NOON and be at the pool at NINE FREAKIN’ AM. She bounced out of bed this mornign, nagged me until it was time to go (Now mom? now? HOW ABOUT NOW?) and we were off.

She did extremely well, natch. Her backstroke is most awesome, and she’s working on her freestyling ways – right now she’s got quite the bobblehead. Heh. She has absolutely no fear of getting her face wet, being underwater, opening her eyes underwater, doing bubble bobs, none of it.


And most importantly – she SLOWED DOWN and LISTENED to her teacher.
I know. I was shocked too!

Just goes to prove she really does want this, as well as confirms my suspicion that she would do better in a more individualized sport rather then team sports like the older two. So we swim. Well, she swims. I take pictures. Get a load of her grin in the backstroke…


And here, a video for Auntie:

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1 Comment

  • Ladybug says:

    she gonna do it momma .. and you know what will happen than? we will be at the pool for the WHOLE DAMNED THING> with 4 kids in 16 events PLUS teh relay’s than you throw me intot he mix. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! it will be a LONG swim season.

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