Possible Cast Names?

Posted by Lessa on July 3, 2008 in CBS |


A poster over at Reality BBQ who has been right many times in the past couple of seasons has given Spammy his list of the houseguests! If he’s right on the money as he was last year and the year before (He gave the décor of the house days before the release, also told us of America’s Player and the pre-premiere eviction of Sharon/Jacob, among other things, all days before any information was officially released) then we have a mighty diverse group of people currently in sequester – especially age-wise. The age-range reported is 22-75!

Here’s what he said:
The casting is going to have a slightly conservative vs. liberal angle.
– A recently divorced Koren-American tomboy.
– A 35 year old gay rodeo cowboy who’s a bit prejudiced himself.
– A 25 year old who doesn’t consider himself a bartender.
– A 53 year old New Orleans socialite.
– A 31 year old who’s from a predominantly white neighborhood, she’s a black mother of 3 and an Obama supporter in Bush country. She has a pair of rare twins.
– The son of a Pentecostal preacher.
– A 24 year old teacher in an all boys Catholic school. He would move out of the country if Hillary were President.
– …and a few more. Thirteen in all. Don’t want to give you all the secrets!

Here are all the names:
The person most likely to be an early target: Jesse (Jessie?), 22.
Jerry, 75, is the self-professed biggest Big Brother fan in the world. Everyone will love Jerry!
Keesha, 29, blond bombshell who works at Hooters. Reminds us of Danielle D.

So – if that dude doesn’t consider himself a bartender, what DOES his consider himself? And 75? Holy cow. I do remember earlier during casting for BB10 that rumors about them looking for a Gay Cowboy through the Gay Rodeo Association were flying rampant, so that one certainly seems possible. He was said to be kind of a tool, a flirt who gets along with most, and wears wranglers and cowboy hats to work all the time.

The folks over at Reality BBQ are now searching Myspace for possible, and may have found Keesha and Dan. We’ll know in a few days for sure, of course, but it’s oddles of fun to speculate while we wait!

What do you think of the rundown of houseguests above? Will we all really love Jerry?! Either way, kudos to CornerOfficeX – and keep the info coming!

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