The Waterpup on day three!

Posted by Lessa on July 3, 2008 in family |

So, today, the pup hit another milestone in the whole swimming lesson crusade, for it was jump off the diving board day! She doesn’t usually have much fear to speak of, and CLEARLY loves the water and I’m beginning to wonder if she has gills to go along with her long skinny feet that look suspiciously like flippers at times – but even so, I wasn’t sure if she’d chicken out or not. After all, I have never ever jumped off a diving board in my entire life and I have exactly zero plan to do so, ever. So I wouldn’t blame her at all- though I totally would let the coaches toss her in give her a nudge in the right direction. I have a ‘mean’ rep to protect, after all!

So anyway, at the end of the lesson, everyone moved to the diving board, and after letting EVERYONE ELSE GO FIRST because she was a little scared being polite and waiting her turn, she couldn’t put it off any longer – and with only the slightest of hesitations, she took the plunge!

Hurray! She also made it almost the entire way across the pull without having to stop/grab onto Coach Billy. By the end of next week, I fully expect her to pass out of lvl 2 and into lvl 3 the following week. I also expect I’ve a long year of swim mom coming up this winter. Of course, this also means I’m eying all of those KCHS Lady Kardinal records that hang on the wall at the pool, the ones that say “M.B.” from the early 90s. I fully expect the lot of them to be replaced by the year 2016 with “J.M.”

Wheaties Form!

I mean, just LOOK at that form though – don’t it belong on a Wheaties box? I thought so too. But no pressure, pup. No pressure at all. *grin*

savemeeeee an' stay there!
lockers04 caught

PS – anyone know where can get a set of those *points up* for my house? And padlocks to go with them? After all, it’s a step up from her box, right? hahahhaha.

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1 Comment

  • Ladybug says:

    No pressure here either. BUT she will only have those up there for a short while. Because Ladybug will be rght behind her in school. and she herself wants her name ont eh board. *wiggels brows* OH THE RELAY’S THEY WILL HAVE> gonna be standup on the bleachers and yell fun!!!!!!!!!

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